Galapagos – Go or not?

Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands

Traveling to many amazing places on the earth is a bit controversial. Should we visit them or not? Should we travel there and somehow inherently pollute them? It’s an important question and everyone should think about it; and I’d like to encourage you to travel in an ecology friendly way! Yeah, I know, just by flying we highly increase our carbon footprint, but if we travel, we can (and actually we must) do it in an eco-friendly way! So if you want to go to the Galapagos Islands, find a good company, e.g., take a yacht trip for a week or two.


Podróżowanie samo w sobie często wywołuje dużo emocji, szczególnie gdy odwiedzamy miejsca, które są właściwie jednym wielkim parkiem narodowym. Wtedy pojawia się pytanie – czy powinniśmy tam podróżować. Sama mam często wiele wątpliwości. Ekologia jest dla mnie ważnym tematem i zdaję sobie sprawę jak chociażby dużo dwutlenku węgla powstaje w trakcie jednej podróży lotniczej. Jednak poprzez ten blog chcę zachęcić Was do podróżowania, ale do podróżowania w sposób przyjazny dla środowiska! Uważam, że każdy, na ile to tylko możliwe, powinien podróżować “etycznie”. Wracając do Galapagos, tak, warto tam pojechać i według mnie najlepszy sposób to znaleźć ekologiczne biuro podróży, i spędzić tydzień lub dwa na małym jachcie.

30 thoughts on “Galapagos – Go or not?”

  1. Très beau paysage marin reposant et plein de douceur. Les couleurs sont superbes.

  2. Wydaje mi się, że gdy obcujemy z naturą powinniśmy do niej wkraczać jako obserwatorzy i odchodzić starając się nie pozostawiać po sobie śladu.

  3. My family is thinking of visiting the Galapagos Islands — all your pictures make me really want to go!

    1. It’s a beautiful place! If you need some advices, please ask me.

      And, as I always add, the Falklands are also amazing, you can check my posts from April 2015. 🙂

  4. Such a serene photo! You bring up some great points about eco-friendly tourism. Maybe a bit too idealistic in my thinking, but shouldn’t we all be able to experience a gorgeous place like this without destroying its beauty or the habitats of so many plants and animals?

    1. I think, it should be possible to everyone, but I really would love to see everyone taking care of our planet…

    1. Thank you!
      I think, you may consider Santa Cruz Island or North Seymour Island as starting points.

  5. The Galapagos is definitely on my list of must-dos, though I appreciate you raising the issue of whether our travels benefit or degrade a destination.

  6. I do wonder about my footprint when I get on the plane sometimes but admittedly I try not to because it would have such an impact on my life if I couldn’t travel to places and explore. I know that’s bad 🙁 But travelling by boat is a great way to see places too! I plan to go to the Galapagos some day, the unique wildlife has always fascinated me.

  7. I have never been on a sailboat, but if there is any place in the world to explore by boat I would definitely choose The Galapagos Islands! I agree, we need to find ways to be more conscientious travelers.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I’m always happy to hear that many travelers agree with me in this important issue!

  8. I’d really like to go there, but I agree that we have to be conscientious as travelers and leave the smallest possible footprint no matter what. A sailing cruise would be really amazing.

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