Belgium – Antwerp Tunnel

Belgium – Antwerp Tunnel

Kind of unique attraction in Antwerp is St Anna’s Tunnel (Underpass) that was opened in 1933.
I guess, my picture doesn’t show that the tunnel is actually nice…
Just take a walk. πŸ™‚

Belgium – Mechelen

Belgium – Mechelen

Mechelen is another nice Belgian city.
My first impression from Mechelen was “am I still in the Netherlands”.
I hope nobody will get upset by saying this, but for me Mechelen looks like “typical” Belgian city or “typical” Dutch city. – it’s positive!

Belgium – Bruges – Beguinage

Belgium – Bruges – Beguinage

Beguinage or Begijnhof – the Princely Beguinage Ten Wijngaarde Bruges is such a charming place that after seeing its white-coloured houses you’ll fall in love with Bruges.
Really, I did. πŸ™‚

Belgium – Bruges or Brugge

Belgium – Bruges

I spent a few years in the Netherlands, so I prefer to use the Dutch names of Belgian cities and pronounce them in a Dutch way, and that confuses my conversations in English. πŸ˜€

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