Cuba – Final impression

Havana, Cuba
Havana, Cuba

And for the last day about Cuba, the last picture of an oldtimer. 🙂

So how do you like “my” Cuba? Did I miss something important?

If you haven’t been to Cuba yet, but think about visiting it, I have one advice for you – go there as soon as it possible! It’s a country that changes a lot! I wouldn’t be surprised if in 5 years Cuba will be totally different, let’s hope it won’t lose its charm…


Na zakończenie miesiąca o Kubie, ostatnie zdjęcie starego samochodu. 🙂

Jak Wam się podobał słoneczny miesiąc o Kubie? Czy pominęłam jakąś istotną informację?

Jeżeli nie byliście jeszcze na Kubie, a bardzo Wam się marzy, to mam jedną radę – jedźcie tam najszybciej jak to możliwe! Kuba zmienia się bardzo szybko, i nie zdziwiłabym się jeżeli za 5 lat, będzie to zupełnie inne państwo. Miejmy nadzieję, że zmiany nie odbiorą jej uroku…

24 thoughts on “Cuba – Final impression”

  1. Here in South Florida we have a lot of Cubans and they are still floating in, trying desperately to get OFF that island – so why does anyone want to go there? (unless you’re an antigue car collector)

    1. I heard about it, it’s sad…
      But, I think it depends on people, and in each country there are people who have difficulties and want to live… others are fine with the system…

  2. I’ve loved your Cuba series and you’re right – the time to go is sooner rather than later. I think the place will now change very quickly. My friends were there in November, loved it. They sent a postcard which I only just received!

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      so postcard came after 2 months?
      Recently, my friends got postcards that I sent 1.5 year earlier from Myanmar 🙂

  3. Love this photo with the vintage cars kept so shiny new looking and the combination of types of traffic…..the bicycle taxis ( tuk tuks in Cambodia). I’ve enjoyed the visit to Cuba. Thanks.

  4. Thanks for your entire series on Cuba!
    Coincidentally, last night I was asked where in the world I would want to go, if I could pick one place, and I said…. “Cuba”!
    Beautiful photographs, too. Cheers!

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