How can they fly with this? Isn’t it impressive?
Widok dużego czarnego ptaka z rozdętym “czerwonym balonem przy szyi” robi wrażenie! Wielokrotnie zadawałam sobie pytanie – jak one mogą tak latać?
Absolute a stunning photo of a indeed an impressive bird.
Thank you!
I love this one 🙂
Yes, I am surprised they can fly like that! You do take beautiful pictures of a extremely interesting place. I remember watching nature films about the Island when I was much younger and thought that it would be fascinating to visit. One day perhaps.
Thank you!
Indeed, it’s an amazing place and I can highly recommend it. And, as I always add, no only these lovely islands, but also the Falklands! 🙂
Beautiful image, Maja! The red is so striking!
Thank you for visiting! 😀
It is astounding that the males can fly with the gular pouch inflated. I like how your photo shows his awkward silhouette, yet his mastery with it. Wonderful photo, my friend. 😀
Thank you for your nice words! I’m glad you checked my pictures and you like them! Frigatebirds are so wonderful birds! 🙂
Very nice profil
Thank you! 🙂