The Old Town in Vilnius is quite big, but it’s still possible to visit it on foot.
If you have to go somewhere farther, you can use a car, taxi, bike, bus or trolleybus.
There are not so many cities with trolleybuses, so I always smile while seeing them. 😉 Do you live in a city with trolleybuses?
I remember liking those trolleybuses when I was in Vilnius too! We used to have them in Kathmandu too when I was young, but it’s been a decade or more since they don’t operate anymore.
oh, I had no idea you had trolleybuses in Kathmandu!
Trolley buses ubiquitous here in Vancouver, BC. Canada. I was amazed when I first came from UK as they looked so old school technology but now understand that hydro electric power is cheap in BC.
eco-solution 😉