Many people go to Nepal, only because it’s a starting point for hiking in high mountains. There are beautiful tracks, but I’d like to say to almost everyone “don’t go to Mt. Everest”. If you’re a passione mountaineer, go there; but if you’re a random person who hardly ever climbed mountain tops don’t try to go to Mt. Everest only because you want to say “I climbed Mt. Everest”.
During my flight to Kathmandu, I met a man who proudly told me that he’s going to climb Mt. Everest. So I got curious and asked about other mountains he climbed, because I thought it’s his passion. Surprisingly he answered that he didn’t climb any mountains so far and that he is going to hike only to the base camp of Mt. Everest…
Wiele osób leci do Nepalu tylko dlatego, żeby rozpocząć tam wędrówkę w Himalaje. Oczywiście te najwyższe góry oferują wiele tras o różnym poziomie zaawansowania. Jednak ja często chciałabym wielu ludziom powiedzieć, żeby nie “wybierali się na Everest”! Jeżeli góry i wysokogórska wspinaczka są Twoją pasją to zdecydowanie te słowa nie są skierowane do Ciebie! Uważam to za dość żałosne, że najwyższa góra świata jest zatłoczona ludźmi “prawie że tam wnoszonymi”, tylko po to aby mogli powiedzieć, że “zdobyli Everest”.
Podczas mojego lotu do Katmandu, siedzący obok mnie mężczyzna dumnie mi powiedział, że wybiera się na Everest. Rozmawialiśmy chwilę, zaciekawiłam się i zaczęłam zadawać pytania jakie inne szczyty zdobył itp. Okazało się, że w ogóle się nie wspina, a wybiera się tylko do “base camp” – pierwszego obozu na trasie do Mount Everest…
Niestety taka prawda:< Wiadomo, że Everest brzmi o wiele lepiej niż Śnieżka i jest się czym pochwalić nawet, jeżeli doszedłeś tylko do pierwszego obozu;p
no właśnie…
A ja sobie żyłam w słodkiej nieświadomości – “zdobywca” miało dla mnie jedno znaczenie. Okazuje się, że wśród nich także zdobywacze niezasłużonych podziwów – ble!
no niestety…
Majestatyczne góry! ale nigdy nie rozumiałam ludzi, którzy ryzykują życie, żeby zdobyć szczyt…
Dzięki za odwiedziny!
Jak już ktoś wyżej powiedział niestety taka prawda:)
Dziękuję za odwiedziny!
Wow… never climbed a mountain before…. he’s about to have a unexpected experience.
Mountains are amazing 🙂
What a beautiful picture !!!!
A meow of Bilbo
Thank you!
So many have tried. I was glad to read that your traveling acquaintance was only going to the base camp. That would be adventure enough for me as well.
I’m really against tourism on Mt. Everest, this mountain should be left alone 😉
More to the story? You need to follow up to see if he made it (ha ha).
The ending is different for everyone – do we do things to show off or just to enjoy nature? 🙂
I agree with you. It’s a legitimate challenge for a lot of mountaineers and that’s fine, I suppose. We all have our thing. But when it’s not your thing, all you’re doing is leaving a footprint that doesn’t need to be there.
Thank you for saying it!
I hope more people will understand it…
A beautiful place to visit although takes some preparation to make the most of a trip to this destination.
Thank you for stopping by!
I started like one of those people but instead we ended up trekking the Annapurna circuit and absolutely loved it – one of our highlights in Asia.
I’m glad to hear your story! And I’m sure it was a wonderful experience! 🙂
I’d love to be able to go to Nepal one day, for many reasons. I love to hike (but am not a very avid or serious one at that). I’d love to be able to do some of it, but obviously know my capabilities and will just say that going to the top probably wouldn’t be in my cards!
there are many beautiful hiking paths, so plenty of options 🙂
I recently watched the movie EVEREST and I kept thinking about the fact that I couldn’t do it regardless if I wanted to or not. Nepal is on my list but for other reasons.
Thanks for reminding me, I still want to watch the movie! 🙂
Took a flight to the Himalayas too a long time ago. Sadly I did not keep the picture. Thanks for this one! No, I will not climb Mt. Everest!
Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Beautiful. Did you take this one on the sightseeing flight over the Himalayas or on your regular flight to Katmandu? If the second, lucky you!
it was just a normal flight from Kathmandu to Bhutan 🙂 the most scenic flight, I’ve ever had! 🙂
I imagine even going to ABC is a challenge enough for me, haha! I’d probably spend more time in Kathmandu if I ever go to Nepal.
it’s always a challenge, but it’s fine as far as we do it because we love mountains, not to show off 😉
I’ve just recently started to actually like going on hikes. And I have to admit, Mt. Everest has never even tempted me. But I’d defintely attempt smaller mountains.
smaller mountains are also amazing! 🙂