In a small village I saw this big traditional bamboo swing and of course children playing on it. It was the first time in my life I saw such a huge and long swing, and also made of bamboo. Children had so much fun while “flying” on it. 🙂
W jednej małej miejscowości spotkałam dzieci huśtające się na wielkiej tradycyjnej huśtawce. Po raz pierwszy w życiu widziałam tak ogromną huśtawkę i to wykonaną z bambusa! Dzieci miały mnóstwo frajdy “latając”.
Creative people 😀
Did you try to swing on it too? 😉
Or it’s just for “small” children?
I didn’t try, because it was occupied all the time 😉
It looks like a real fun swing. I bet you can fly far and long from it. 🙂
For sure! But it’s a bit scary… 😀
I don’t know around what month you visited Nepal, but we play on that swing around the biggest festival called Dashain which usually falls in October. The swings are there usually until 2nd biggest festival called Tihar (around early November/late October) which is like 2 weeks or so after Dashain. And then they take these down. 🙂 These swings are so much fun and are very symbolic of the festivals, especially Dashain. I have fond memories from such swings. The sensation is thrilling and like flying. Most people, except children, use their bodies (by standing) to swing it really high.. Did you try it perhaps?
I think it was October, and indeed there was a huge festival – great experience!
However, I didn’t try the swing, maybe next time… 😉