The mysterious Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, was carved out of limestone.
The mysterious Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, was carved out of limestone.
I’m aware someone may say “pyramids are nothing special”, “it’s just a few stones” etc.
I think they are very impressive, their history, how they were built and even the location – you are just outside the big city, but at the same time your’e on the desert.
The Giza pyramid complex is located on the Giza Plateau.
You’ll find there amazing pyramids and famous Sphinx.
That’s the place to feel “like in Egypt”, or in ancient Egypt. 😉
Giza is a big city located a few km from Cairo.
Once you’re in Cairo, going to Giza is a must to see the Giza Pyramids.