Distances that we had to drive in USA, were usually quite big, so we had to stop from time to time to relax a bit. It wasn’t difficult to find a nice place for a break, because there are many of them on the way. And often we’re positively surprised how beautiful this place was. A few times we met these cute, tiny hummingbirds. It’s very enjoyable to observe them!
Stany Zjednoczone to ogromny kraj i często pokonywaliśmy wiele, wiele mil. Od czasu do czasu trzeba było zrobić przerwę aby się nie zamęczyć jazdą. Z reguły nie mieliśmy żadnego problemu aby znaleźć piękne miejsce na krótki odpoczynek – było ich mnóstwo po drodze! Nasz pierwszy przystanek był cudownie ulokowany, las, górki i kolibry! Kolibry spotkaliśmy kilka razy i wtedy nasze przerwy się trochę wydłażyły obserwując i fotografując te prześliczne, maleńkie ptaszki. 🙂
So schön ist er 🙂
Danke schön! 🙂
What a lovely picture. I could happily frame that one. The tiny hummingbird is so cute. ?
Thank you! It’s so sweet! 🙂
Have a nice Sunday!
They are beautiful, delicate creatures but I have discovered they can be hard to get a good photo of. Well done!
Indeed, it’s quite difficult to take a picture of them, mine camera wasn’t good enough for their wings.
Kolibry są super!
Spędziłam kiedyś dwie godziny fotografując je – a raczej usiłując nadążyć z uchwyceniem odpowiedniego ujęcia 😀
Dokładnie rozumiem! My je głównie spotykaliśmy nieoczekiwanie podczas przerw i wtedy przerwy się wydłużały 😀
Koliber! Prawie jak w bajce Pocahontas 🙂
🙂 Uwielbiam te ptaszki! 🙂
Nie będę oryginalna, uwielbiam kolibry, mogę oglądać godzinami 🙂
Tak jak ja! 😀
Hummingbirds are so lovely, in Brazil they were almost eating from our plates 😉 Almost, cause my red been was half of their size 😉
I’m always against feeding wild birds, but sometimes I also cannot resist their cuteness 😀
Są urocze i o dziwo zaskakująco wytrzymałe 🙂
Zawsze jestem pod wrażeniem jak szybko machają skrzydełkami 🙂
Piękny koliber 🙂 A wiedziałeś, że mamy polski odpowiednik tego ptaka? https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruczak_go%C5%82%C4%85bek
Ciekawe, dzięki, nie słyszałam o tym! 🙂 Choć wikipedia podaje, iż jest to motyl, a nie ptak.
Też widziałam rok temu koliberki i nawet jednego udało mi się uchwycić w kadr 🙂
też w USA ?
Przepiękne zdjęcie!
Dziękuję bardzo! To urocze ptaszki! 🙂
Piękny jest i ten niezwykły zielony kolor piórek…
Widzieliśmy różne kolibry, jedny były bardziej zielone, inne bardziej niebieskie – wszystkie niesamowicie urocze! 🙂
Very nice photo !! A hummingbird about to have its snack? 😛
Thanks! Yes, I heard that they need so much energy so people help them by preparing sweet water for them. That’s why it also attracts bees 😉
That’s interesting! I thought the bee was the prey 🙂 Although I was not sure if this is a bee.
true, it may be a wasp… anyway something to be avoided 😉
Hey Dear!!
I’m so glad to be hear and happy to connect with you too so, as a token of our friendship I would love to nominate you for ‘THE LIEBESTER AWARD’.
Here are the simple rules:
Keep Shinning!!
Thank you a lot! It’s my forth or fifth nomination, I guess I really need to find some time to work on them…
Have a great day! 🙂
Oh my! I love to write about hummingbirds in my poetry…especially haiku at my other blog. Your photos are so beautiful, such a treat to visit your blog and journey vicariously with you. Thanks for visiting Traces as well 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 I can imagine that hummingbirds can be really inspiring! 🙂
Where we live in the country of southern Indiana we have, dare I say hundreds of hummingbirds. . . dozens anyway. They’re gone for the winter now but they were a treat early this year. We set out several feeders, and several are needed as they are quite the territorial little shits. Yep, little birds with big attitudes.
As an aside, I’m still not receiving updates from you blog, though I subscribed a number of times. Not sure what the problem is, or whether you or I could fix it. So in the meantime I’ll keep dropping by unannounced. 🙂
oh, it has to be amazing to see so many of them! I’m really happy, that people like you, help them by feeding – that’s really great!
And thank you for letting me know about this problem, I heard that there’s something wrong with some blogs, I’ll read it. In meantime I added you to the mailing list, I guess you got an email, or maybe it’s in a spam folder?
I love hummingbirds. They’re beautiful creature. I love how fast they flap their wings. 🙂
Exactly, I’m always impressed by their tiny and powerful wings! 🙂
What a beautiful hummingbird !!!!
A mewo of Sofia
Thank you! 🙂
Have a nice day!
always nice to see the hummers! our five have taken to hoarding and fighting over the nectar feeders, and the flowers that are still blooming. 🙂
oh, they’re super cute tiny birds 🙂