Bolivia – Salt (Salar de Uyuni)

Piles of salt at the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Piles of salt at the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Yesterday, I promised you to say something about “salt” at the Salar de Uyuni, so here it is – the image that made me very happy, because I was really hoping to see it there. 🙂

Salar de Uyuni contains lots of minerals, especially sodiums, potassiums, lithiums, and magnesiums.
Apparently, there is about 10 billion tonnes of salt, of which less than 25,000 tonnes is extracted annually.


Wczoraj obiecałam, że dzisiaj będzie o soli na Salar de Uyuni, więc oto zdjęcie. Miałam ogromną nadzieję zobaczyć takie stożki i udało się – coż to była dla mnie za radość! 🙂

Salar de Uyuni zawiera w sobie wiele minerałów, przede wszystkim sód, potas, magnez i dużą ilość litu. Zawartość wszelkich soli to około 10 miliardów ton, z czego rocznie wydobywa się 25,000 ton.

14 thoughts on “Bolivia – Salt (Salar de Uyuni)”

  1. Extraordinary! I’ve walked across a salt lake and sunk beneath the crust in places. The glare was blinding. I didn’t see the salty outcrops shown in your photo though.

  2. Who puts the salt into little piles? The government or a company? Does it have to be elaborately processed, or could people use it from what’s there?
    Fun to see and learn with you.

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