Turkey – Tombs in Kaunos

Tombs in Kaunos, Turkey
Tombs in Kaunos, Turkey

Kaunos is famous from its ancient site, however there is one more attraction. Just on the short way to Kaunos, you’ll see amazing tombs cut from rocks. While planning my trip, I was watching pictures of these tombs and really wanted to see them in real. I found many different coordinates, and got a bit confused where they are. But it’s actually very easy to find them! When you take a ferry from Dalyan, you’ll see tombs on your right while walking to Kaunos. If you go to Kaunos by car, just walk or drive to the ferry place, and you’ll easily find them.
Maybe someone’ll say that rocks are destroyed, but still they’re really impressive, especially when you start thinking how difficult it was to build them.


Kaunos jest znanym starożytnym miastem, jednak to nie jedyna atrakcja w okolicy! Gdy planowałam naszą wycieczkę znalazłam wiele zdjęć grobowców wykutych w skale, jednak miałam problem z uzyskaniem informacji gdzie one dokładnie się znajdują. Na szczęście ich znalezienie nie stanowiło problemu, wystarczy przejść się (albo podjechać) z Kaunos w stronę miejsca skąd odpływają stateczki do Dalyan i niesamowite grobowce ukażą się Waszym oczom 🙂
Może znajdzie się ktoś, kto powie, że w ten sposób skały zostały zniszczone, jednak te grobowce robią wrażenie!

20 thoughts on “Turkey – Tombs in Kaunos”

    1. Robią wrażenie, prawda? Trochę mi się z chińskimi skojarzyły jak zobaczyłam pierwsze zdjęcia 🙂

  1. Wow! These are really impressive in every way. How on earth did they build them?

    These seem even more impressive than the tombs in Petra because they’re suspended in the cliff.

    1. Both places are amazing 🙂
      And that’s true, it’s difficult to just “walk” (climb) there…

  2. A really dramatic looking site. I would put this in the top part of my ‘must see’ list if I visited Turkey.

  3. So creative and impressive. I don’t think I’ll be visiting Turkey with the kids for a while but so pleased that others are. Stunning place if you leave the tourist resorts. Keep going!

    p.s. I remember your early Falkland posts. Congratulations on your 1st birthday 🙂 Mine is in June.

    1. Thank you!
      Tombs are indeed impressive. These places are still quite safe, but you never know what will come later…

      June is very soon, it’s exciting, isn’t it? 🙂

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