Quito is located at 2850 metres above sea level and this determines its average temperatures.
Definitely visit Quito, or use it a base for daily trips; just keep in mind, it may be colder there than you would expected.
Quito is located at 2850 metres above sea level and this determines its average temperatures.
Definitely visit Quito, or use it a base for daily trips; just keep in mind, it may be colder there than you would expected.
Quito is the largest city of Ecuador and its capital.
If you’re bored with all informations about the equator, you can simply enjoy the nature. There are nice landscapes around.
In the museums, you can see different exhibitions about the equator and Ecuador. Some of them try to explain what equator is; the others (look carefully at today’s picture) focus more on history…
You can cross the equator in Ecuador without really noticing it.
Or you can visit a museum and Equatorial Monument.
Ecuador lies on the equator, that’s the place where the Earth is the widest.
There are 13 countries that lie on the equator: Brazil, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Maldives, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome & Principe, Somalia, and Uganda.
Why Ecuador is called Ecuador?
-Well, Ecuador is named after equator and I find it quite nice.
Galapagos Islands belongs to Ecuador.
However, the islands are so unique, that should be treated somehow separately, and I also had already a single month only about the Galapagos Island.
Anyway, it’s an amazing place and please have a look at my posts before planing your trip to the Galapagos Islands; I was trying to include some information how to make your trip more eco-friendly and ethical.
The flag of Ecuador consists of 3 horizontal bands: yellow (double width), blue and red.
As a small confusion, I’m showing you today a flag of Quito.
Republic of Ecuador is a relatively small South American country.
It’s only bordered by Colombia and Peru.
Welcome to Ecuador!
October on my blog is going to be all about this South American country.
I can promise you lots of nature and … snow.
Hopefully, you’ll like it.