Ushuaia is known as the southernmost city in the world. You may argue with this, but for sure it’s the southernmost city in Argentina. Ushuaia is also the place where you can start your cruise to Antarctica.
Ushuaia jest znana jako miasto leżące bliżej bieguna południowego niż jakiekolwiek inne miasto na świecie. Można z tym stwierdzeniem się nie zgodzić, jednak ograniczając się do ogromnej Argentyny, a nie całego świata, jest ono prawdziwe. Ushuaia jest także miejscem, gdzie można rozpocząć rejs na Antarktydę.
How cool !!!! We are really enjoying seeing the pictures of Argentina !!!!
Have a great Sunday !!!!
A meow of Frida, Bilbo and Sofia
Thanks so much for your nice comments!
Greetings for all of you! 🙂
Is that boat stranded? Or just stuck on something at low tide?
That’s a good question! But I don’t know the answer…
I was walking around and got impressed by colours and all reflections 🙂
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I think they’re amazing!
This picture is so peaceful! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the follow – lots of nice things to see here 🙂
Thank you! 😀
Looks beautiful. Hope you’re having an easy winter.
Thank you!
I had a wonderful time there a few years ago.
Now, I have extremely hot summer, 40C it’s a bit too much for me…