When I try to imagine the way to Antarctica or somewhere to the Arctic regions, I have in my mind this picture. It’s still the Perito Moreno Glacier. Isn’t it a good reason for visiting Patagonia?
Kiedy wyobrażam sobie rejs na Antarktydę lub w okolicach Arktyki, mam dzisiejsze zdjęcie przed oczami. Jest to ciągle lodowiec Perito Moreno, czy nie jest to dobry powód aby przyjechać do Patagonii?
Piękne widoki w takie upały jak teraz to mam ochotę w takie miejsce pojechac 🙂
Dokładnie, mam takie same myśli patrząc na lodowce! 🙂
Absolutely! How old and tall is this glacier ? Ad did they give you any piece of floating ice to taste some good old ¨stuff¨ 🙂 ?
According to wikipedia: “The terminus of the Perito Moreno Glacier is 5 kilometres (3 mi) wide, with an average height of 74 m (240 ft) above the surface of the water of Argentino Lake, in Argentina. It has a total ice depth of 170 metres (558 ft).”
and yes, i “tried” something, but not from Perito Moreno, but from different glacier in Argentina 🙂
The colours are amazing, different shades of blue and white. Love it 🙂 You make me desire more! It’s my dream destination, despite it’s cold out there 😉
very good! 😉 hihi
Very great shot. A wonderful place.
Great to see this picture, well done!!
Many greetings,
Thank you for visiting my blog! 🙂
Wow, I wish I were there, here in Italy it’s so hot, like in the desert…
The same here, I’m melting and dreaming about glaciers 😉