France – Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty, Paris, France

The famous Statue of Liberty can be found not only in New York; actually you can find its replica in many places around the world, but France is the one where you should really search for it.
-Well, France gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA. So in Paris, you can find a few smaller versions of this “French statue”. 🙂

France – 1st of May and Lily of the Valley

Paris, France

A long time ago, I was reading that on the 1st of May people in France give to each others lily of the valley as a symbol of good luck (apparently in Belgium they have a similar tradition).

The white lily of the valley of a lovely scent is my favorite flower and since I was a little girl, I was dreaming to hold a bouquet of these flowers for my wedding (the dream came true 😉 ).

Anyway, when I heard about this tradition, I really wanted to spend 1st on May in France. Fortunately, I had a chance. 🙂 And it was a lovely day! 🙂 I was in Paris, and the lilies were sold in many places in the city what looked very beautiful. And almost everyone who was walking from the bakery with a bagette was holding also a small bouquet of lilies of the valley.

France – Paris

Paris, France

Does everyone want to visit Paris?

I wanted to go to Paris when I was a child. Later, when I had to travel many times to Paris, I wasn’t so excited any more. But, I found its charm and now I have my favorite places in Paris, and like to visit the city a lot.

So take a good pair of shoes and walk a lot, behave more like a local not like a tourist, eat some delicious foods and visit the Towers of Notre Dame.
And simply enjoy Paris! Don’t follow the crowds. 😉
Take it easy, it’s a nice city. 🙂

Thailand – almost-Komodo on the Beach

Asian water monitor lizard, Thailand

I remember sitting on the beach while this big lizard came from the stones.
Not the best experience…
As fast as I could, but slowly, I moved to the safer arrea. 😉

I thought, it was a Komodo dragon, but they don’t live in Thailand; it’s a close cousin of komodo, called Asian water monitor lizard.

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