Thailand – Bridge on the River Kwai

“Bridge on the River Kwai”, Thailand

“Bridge on the River Kwai” is a title of a fictional British-American war film, that was based on the novel by Pierre Boulle.
It has a very characteristic song that’s whistled in a movie several times.
You can see that bridge in Thailand.
Well, it may be nothing special, but I remember this song from my childhood, because my father was whistling it very often, so I really wanted to see that bridge. 🙂

Thailand – Chiang Rai Temple

Chiang Rai, Thailand

Chiang Rai is a large city in the north of Thailand. But, it’s mostly famous for the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun)
that is actually located quite outside the city.
When I’ve seen the temple in the pictures, some time before going to Thailand, I thought: “I want to see this fairy tale temple”.

Thailand – Poor Birds


In some Thai temples, I’ve seen something really upsetting;
I understand it may be part of culture, history or religion, but I still don’t like this idea.
So, there are people selling you birds in cages. When you buy a bird and release it “you will have goodluck and happiness in your life forever” (original writing).
The point is those birds have on purpose broken wings or kind of injuries, so they cannot fly too far. And after “you give the freedom to birds”, the seller will catch them again and sell to another person, and so on!

Thailand – Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is officially named “Krung Thep Maha Nakhon”.
It’s a capital since 1782.
These days, it’s a large, tropical city with many different districts, and two huge airports (that sometimes causes confusion).

Yesterday, I showed you a typical picture of one of the temples in Bangkok; for today, I chose rather not so typical image of the city, however I like it. 🙂

Thailand – Introduction


Welcome to the Kingdom of Thailand. 🙂

Have you been to Thailand? What are your memories?
I have to say, Thailand is far from being my favorite country; I think it’s overrated from many reasons. However, there are still nice, interesting and worth visiting places. And that’s what I’ll try to show you this month on my blog. Hopefully, you’ll like it. 🙂

Sardinia – Final impression

Arbatax, Sardinia

Today, the last post about Sardinia on my blog.
How did you like my travel impressions about this big Italian island?

I have nice memories from Sardinia; it was interesting and relatively easy to travel through the island. Definitely, I enjoyed my holidays in Sardinia. 🙂

Tomorrow, we’re going “a bit” farther. 🙂
Stay tuned!

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