I spent 2 weeks on the small yacht visiting the Galapagos Islands, and almost every day we saw sea lions. After I left the island it was somehow strange not to see them any more… (Probably, it was also strange not to feel waves…) One day, while visiting one of the islands, many sea lions were sleeping on our way, so we were clapping to show them that we’re coming and kindly ask them to give us the way. 😉 It took a while before we succeeded.
Spędziłam 2 tygodnie na małym jachcie zwiedzając poszczególne wyspy Galapagos. Prawie każdego dnia widziałam uchatki, więc po opuszczeniu wysp czułam się trochę dziwnie nie widząc ich na każdym kroku. (Dziwne też było uczucie braku kołysania i stąpanie tylko “po suchym lądzie”…) Jednego dnia na Galapagos, duża ilość uchatek “leżała” nam na drodze, więc klaskaliśmy, aby w ten sposób im grzecznie dać znać że idziemy i poprosić o ustąpienie nam drogi. 😉 Trochę to trwało zanim nas posłuchały. 🙂
Adorable. A beautiful capture.
Thank you! 🙂
Post your website is very useful for many people and as well as with me, ibanyak information, stories, useful and interesting that can be taken and learned from the posts you publish
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Your website I nilah 100% perfect and simple
Thank you
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
Wonderful pic!
(I tried to leave a comment yesterday on the previous post, but I can’t see it… )
(It worked, there is a comment from you; today and yesterday 🙂 )
Great post.
Great post..
So adorable
Thanks for visiting! 🙂
Oh, this is way too cute! Baby sea lion <3
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Beautiful photos, I would love to visit the Galapagos Islands. Keep it up!
Have a nice weekend! 🙂
Jaka śliczna 🙂
Dziękuję za odwiedziny!
Jaka słodka uchatka 🙂
OMG. Too cute. I love that we have sea lions on the California coast and I get to see them frequently.
hihi 🙂
It’s very nice to have these cute animals nearby!
What a beautiful photo. Reminds me of seeing the seas all lined up together on the beach in San Diego – always enjoyed seeing them.
Thank you!
Sea lions are super funny, aren’t they 🙂
The Galapagos Islands are so high on my list that I’m thinking about putting them on my 2016 list to make sure it finally happens.
So much wildlife to discover.
it’s a very good idea! 😀
We LOVED the sea lions while we were in the Galapagos! SO many lying on the beaches it was an amazing sight to see. On one secluded beach I fell asleep next to one. So exotic! Loved our time there 🙂
That’s a great experience! 🙂
That’s an amazing image- very beautifully captured!
Thank you! 🙂
Love the clapping to let them know you were coming!! We are considering a trip to the Galapagos next year.. it’s in the running with South Africa! Great photo and story.
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
Two weeks on a small yacht visiting the Galapagos Islands sounds like a magical experience. I imagine it would be difficult to adjust to life back on land. Such a cute photo of the sea lion – it looks like he/she just woke up!
Thank you! I have the same impression about this little one 🙂
So adorable!! I love sea lions and would be so excited to see them in the wild. The Galapagos looks fantastic–I would love to visit!
It’s an amazing place! 🙂
I have always wanted to visit the Galapagos Islands. What a thrill it must have been to see the endemic wildlife up close! Great picture!
Thank you!
It’s truly an amazing place! 🙂
SO adorable. Such beautiful creatures!
Thank you! they’re extra cute! 😀