Germany – Final impression


And today, the last picture from Germany; it was taken in a lovely village in Bavaria.
This month, I didn’t mention many beautiful places (e.g., Hamburg), but Germany is full of attractions so it’ll appear later again on my blog.

As always, I’m curios about your impressions concerning Germany. Have you been to Germany, or maybe you’re planning to visit the country? Are there any places you’d like to visit the most or are your favorites?


Dzisiaj, już ostatnie zdjęcie z Niemiec; zostało ono zrobione w uroczym bawarskim miasteczku.
W tym miesiącu nie byłam w stanie pokazać Wam wszystkich niemieckich atrakcji, ominęłam nawet kilka dość ważnych (jak Hamburg). Jednak jestem pewna, że Niemcy pojawią się jeszcze kiedyś na moim blogu, i wtedy nadrobię zaległości.

I jak zawsze, jestem ciekawa Waszej opinii na temat Niemiec. Zgadzacie się ze mną, że często nie doceniamy uroków naszego sąsiada?

66 thoughts on “Germany – Final impression”

  1. Mogłabym powiedzieć, że podobnie jak do innych krajów arabskich, trochę bym się dziś bała jechać do Niemiec, ale mogłoby to wyglądać, że jestem uprzedzona. Więc ograniczę się do stwierdzenia, że Niemcy na Twoich fotografiach to naprawdę piękny kraj 🙂

    1. polecam więc małe, niemieckie miasteczka, są najpiękniejsze i bardzo “lokalne”

  2. Sono stata in Germani parecchi anni fa e mi è piaciuto molto. Ho trovato persone molto gentili e gustato piatti tipici. Confesso che ho anche bevuto parecchia birra, andava giù che era un vero piacere. Saluti e dolce notte. Pat

    1. I’m actually not a big fun of German food, but love pretzels 😀
      Have a nice day!

  3. Been there many, many times for the past 30 years. Love every minutes of traveling within Germany. Can’t say which is my favorite city. I guess I loved everything I saw there.

  4. Yes. Thanks to Uncle Sam and the United States Army I was stationed there from 1978 – 1980 in Augsburg, Germany. The 569th PSC. My friends and I would often travel to Munich for concerts. The Army also sent me on TDY assignments in various parts of the country.

  5. I lived in Germany for a year about ten years ago. I traveled the country and several others in Europe. I made my home in Trier and I think that is my favorite city there. I have thoroughly enjoy your series. Thank you : )

    1. Thanks! I didn’t know about Trier before, but now I put it on my list! 🙂

  6. I was born in Germany and over the years I love my country much more than before. The main reason is the very large variety of my country because of its history. So I enjoy your picture trip and the comments 🙂

  7. I drove trough it to Austria and Switserland by car and train and even with bicycle to Switserland and Denmark
    beautiful country

  8. I have only been to Hamburg, and have commuted through Berlin a couple of times. Hamburg was pretty nice, I liked how they had many ethnic restaurants 😀 But for some strange reason, Germany doesn’t fascinate me that much. Berlin is only 6 hours car ride away from Lodz but I have never felt the need to visit it. I do have a few places in mind that I would like to visit there, like Dresden and a national park on the Czech-German border called Saxon Switzerland.

    1. I used to have similar impression about Germany, “just a modern country”, but there are actually many lovely small towns, great mountains, beautiful castles etc. 🙂

  9. Hi. I’ve only been to Germany before on business (which was very nice) but your photos have made me think again about visiting for pleasure. Some of the locations you’ve shown have looked amazing. So many thanks for posting this series. 🙂

  10. For some reason, this picture won’t display for me. However, I have enjoyed your series showing many parts of Germany I didn’t know. I have visited Germany five times, the first when I was 14 and took part in a school exchange. I stayed with a German family in Gelsenkirchen Buhr in the Sauerland for three weeks. 20 years later we stayed with a family friend who was running a guest house not far from the same area (we visited Köln both times) and since then I have been to Munich and Berlin (twice). Quite a narrow experience – I’d love to explore more.

    1. Actually, I love your experience! Staying with locals is always very special, maybe you don’t explore so much the country, but the culture, that’s also great!

  11. A lovely series on Germany and I’ve enjoyed all your posts. As I lived there for a while as a student I was partially reliving some memories from that time. It’s hard to have a favourite place anywhere but near Tubingen an hours walk through the forest there was a beautiful idyllic village. Church, river, meadows, traditional houses. Heavenly…alas, I’ve forgotten its name!

  12. Thank you for the lovely journey. This country beautiful and different in any part of it. I’ve been there numerous of times and never been bored. It is my favorite destination in Europe. Looking forward to see and read your future posts about Germany.

  13. Bonjour, ces bancs habillés de tricots sont très beaux.
    A 17 ans, il y a longtemps, je suis allée une année à Francfort a/Main pour un an dans une famille. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la ville, ainsi que Wiesbaden et un peu la Forêt Noire. En Allemagne, il y a de beaux endroits et encore merci pour tous ces billets sur ce pays 🙂

  14. A really fun photo of a fun bench. And I agree with you, Germany has a lot to offer, Hamburg among one them for sure. It’s hard to pick anything in particular from the cathedral in Köln to Schwarzwald…

  15. Love those benches! Would be a little cool in today’s chilly conditions. Dad is currently somewhere along the Rhine, on a coach holiday with family. Not sure where 🙂

  16. Never been to Germany although I now have a Vietnamese friend who’s invited me. Thanks for your great photos. Always nice to visit places I haven’t been on the net.

  17. I love your posts and your photos!
    I’m more fortunate than many folks. My father was in the US Air Force so I lived all over the world as a boy. I was born in Ankara, Turkey and we lived in Adana. I lived in Amersfoort, Netherlands after we left Turkey. We used to visit Germany often. Most of my memories are of Weisbaden and Bertchesgaden. I remember the Bavarian Alps as my favorite place to visit. The other thing that stands out in my memory is the architecture. To this day, the German chalet is my favorite kind of house. My mother loved to take photos and I have them now. They bring back many memories.

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂
      Indeed, you’re very lucky to have this great experience! And pictures from our childhood bring wonderful memories. 🙂

  18. Zgadzam się. Często nie doceniamy nie tylko uroków w sąsiedztwie, ale przede wszystkim na naszym własnym podwórku. Wydaje nam się, że aby zobaczyć piękne miejsca trzeba przemierzyć tysiące kilometrów, bo egzotyka, bo inność, bo góry wyższe, a trawy zieleńsze. Za podróżników (niesłusznie) uznaje się właściwie tylko tych ludzi, którzy byle dalej i byle nie u siebie. A przecież Polska ma naprawdę wiele do zaoferowania. Góry, puszcza, jeziora, urokliwe miasteczka, a to zaledwie wycinek… 🙂

    1. Dokładnie, całkowicie się zgadzam!
      Albo za podróżników uwarzają się Ci co jeżdżą i daleko i ze sponsorami (albo i całą ekipą)…

    1. That’s always more special, when we visit a place because of the friend’s wedding, then our memories are really unique 🙂

  19. We have never been to Germany, years ago we had a summer exchange student from Hamburg. So we talked a lot about Germany, it was neat hearing about his home and we enjoyed sharing our home with him.

  20. I’m just hoping for safety. Yes, we’ll be in Germany for a short while. I last went with my partner in 2010. He is originally from Germany. Freiburg in Black Forest area is recommended. Yes, the place is in my blog.

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