In different areas in Madagascar we saw a few different species of lemurs, some of them are very tiny, other are completely white, or half-red like this one.
Anyway, all of them look cute and funny.
Madagaskar zamieszkują rozmaite lemury i można je spotkać w różnych częściach wyspy. Niektóre są np. malutkie, inne białe, albo takie rude jak ten ze zdjęcia. W każdym razie, wszystkie wyglądają słodko! 😀
That’s a great picture of the little lemur. I didn’t realise they were so colourful.
Thank you!
Some of them are so colourful, other have a bit more boring fur, but still are cute 😀
How cute !!!!! Very beautiful !!!!!
Have a great sunday !!!!!
A mewo of Frida
Thank you!
Have a great Sunday, too! 🙂
Evolutionarily speaking, they are among the most fascinating genera. 🙂
Evolutionarily speaking, they are among the most fascinating genera. 🙂
They’re great animals!
One nie płoszą się jak zobaczą ludzi ? 🙂
Zależy, które gatunki i gdzie.
Uroczy zwierzak 🙂
Dokładnie! 🙂
Dzięki za odwiedziny!
Beautiful capture.
Thank you! 🙂
Great picture. Madagascar – far up on my bucket list due to all the animals 🙂
Later, this month I’ll show pictures of different animals from Madagascar, still cute, well, kind of… 😉