This month I’d like to show you pictures from Nepal – the beautiful and small country I’ve visited in October 2014.
My daily impressions of this month are also to promote aid for Nepal and to honor all victims of the horrible earthquake from April 2015 (and all aftershocks…).
Many places may eventually look the same as before the earthquake and hopefully Nepal remains a popular traveling destination.
W tym miesiącu chciałabym pokazać Wam zdjęcia z Nepalu – pięknego, małego państwa, które odwiedziłam w październiku 2014 roku.
Poprzez codzienne czerwcowe posty chciałabym uczcić pamięć wszystkich ofiar strasznego trzęsienia ziemi, które miało miejsce w kwietniu i maju 2015 roku, a także zachęcić do pomocy dla Nepalu.
Beautiful image 🙂 Looking forward to read your post on Nepal this month!
Thank you!
Have a nice day! 🙂
A friend of mine almost died there in April, but he was very lucky and was saved…
Great Nepal!
Thank you for commenting!
They do need all the help they can get. So tragic. Our grandson and his wife have been there, a couple of years ago.
Thank you for commenting!
Such an amazing view! And so imressive!
Thank you!
Beautiful image! I like how the mountains seem to be floating in the clouds, which almost seem to reflect them.
Thank you!
Wonderful view of the Himalaya mountains!
Thank you!
To straszne, nie dość, że ci ludzie tacy biedni, to jeszcze takie nieszczęście.
Chętnie poznam Nepal.
Tak, to straszne…
Bardzo fajny pomysł na tematyczne miesiące 🙂 Bloga oczywiście dodaję do czytanych. Ja będę w Nepalu może za parę lat, jak mi się uda 😉
Dziękuję za odwiedziny i zapraszam codziennie! 🙂
I could have liked or commented on ALL of your Nepal photos, but that would have been a notification nightmare for you! Looks like a great trip to a country I loved as well.
Thank you for visiting! 🙂