There are 5 places with traditional Dutch cheese markets: Alkmaar, Gouda, Edam, Hoorn, and Woerden. It’s a gorgeous experience to visit one of them. It’s a big event, with presenting cheese, weighting, and carrying it, and of course you can try or buy cheese! Maybe it doesn’t sound special, but you just have to see it, and you change your mind. 🙂
Cheese markets take place in summer, usually once a week. If you want more information, please check their website: http://hollandcheesemarkets.com/en/ .
Holandia słynie z sera i nie bez powodu! 🙂 Do tego, w pięciu miastach odbywają się “targi serowe”, są to: Alkmaar, Gouda, Edam, Hoorn, i Woerden. Taki targ to bardzo ciekawa impreza, na której można zobaczyć jak się sprawdza sery, waży, dźwiga itp. Oczywiście można też posmakować i kupić pyszny ser!
Serowe targi odbywają się tylko latem, z reguły raz na tydzień. Więcej informacji znajdziecie na oficjalnej stronie: http://hollandcheesemarkets.com/en/ .
Ahhh that looks so awesome! 😀
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
I am living in Uruguay now.. And really miss all the Dutch cheese! Edammer and Gouda cheese love those 🙂
what about buttermilk or stroopwafel?
I guess, instead of cheese you have yerba mate 😉
Great fun to get to sample. I’m always amazed that there seem to be new cheeses on the market frequently. Would love to see how they make them. Enjoying your travels as always.
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
Cheese markets are great, and Dutch cheese is delicious 🙂
From which city is this picture? I still have not managed to visit one since they take place in the weekdays and I always hesitate. Now I should wait one more year again or go to the one at Woerden this Saturday last chance 😛
It was in Alkmaar – one of the best experiences in the Netehrlands! I think this one was on Friday.
Yeah, Alkmaar is also my target and indeed is on Fridays. I was there at Christmas period couple of years ago and at that point I did not know it takes place only between April and September. I found Alkmaar nice anyhow but I still have this in my ¨to do¨ list 🙂
I see, I liked Alkmaar, it’s one of many lovely Dutch towns. It’s just far from G. 😉
Everything is far from G., and especially a market that starts at 10 in the morning ! At least the islands are nearby 😀
nothing tops G. 😀
Podczas pobytu w Amsterdamie mieliśmy okazję popróbować różnych serów i te sery mają naprawdę niepowtarzalny smak, ale o targach serów jeszcze nie słyszałam. Dzięki za wskazówki. Pozdrowienia:)
Może następnym razem 🙂
That’s a great cheese shot. The Netherlands is on my bucket list.
Thank you!
It’s a beautiful country where travelling is very convenient! 🙂
omg i want to die, I LOVE cheeeeeese.
Mmmm, cheese! Nice.