Northern Cyprus – Why This Place on My Blog?

Northern Cyprus

If Northern Cyprus is not a “real country”, why do I have a month about it on my blog?
Well, I visited the whole island of Cyprus, and both, southern and northern parts are very interesting for tourists. I also felt it would be a bit unfair to describe northern part while talking about the Republic of Cyprus.

Laos – Sad Issue About Golden Triangle


I’m showing you again a sad picture from Golden Triangle in Laos.
More alcohol bottles with snakes, scorpions etc. inside…
“You can try these alcohols and then decide which one you want to buy.”
People who are selling them, believe that this alcohols will improve your health or sex…

I was taking this photos not to show on my blog;
I didn’t have a travel blog that time;
but I was thinking to send them to e.g., WWF or Greenpeace;
making and selling alcohols with/from these animals should be forbidden.

I know that some people are excited about thinking it,
others are really against it;
you can decide on your own is it correct, ethical etc…

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