The British Museum in London is an amazing place. You can explore it for days (many, many days…) and don’t have enough; you can find there lots of wonderful pieces from all over the world; and you don’t pay for your visit!
You can also find there one Moai, Hoa Hakananai’a.
I wrote yesterday, it’s bit controversial topic – do you know why?
From one side, you can say, Moai was stolen and should be returned from London to Easter Island.
But, it’s much easier (and cheaper for many) to visit the British Muesuem then going to Easter Island; so more people can see Moai and learn a bit about history of Easter Island; and actually get inspired to visit Easter Island one day.
Some people even complain, that Easter Island doesn’t care enough for Moai; and Moai on Easter Island are slowly getting more and more destroyed (even by peeing dogs…); so the Moai in British Museum will survive longer in much better shape.