Today, cute chipmunk says “Goodbye USA”. 😉 This year, it’s the last picture from North America. Obviously, I wasn’t able to cover all beautiful places we saw during our trip, but I’ll be back to USA on my blog, one day.
So, how do you like US landscapes?
Uroczy tamias żegna nas dzisiaj z USA. 🙂 W tym roku to ostatnie zdjęcie na moim blogu z Ameryki Północnej. Oczywiście, w ciągu jednego miesiąca nie byłam w stanie pokazać wszystkich pięknych czy charakterystycznych miejsc, które zwiedziliśmy w USA. Kiedyś, na moim blogu przyjdzie czas na kolejny miesiąc o USA!
Mam nadzieję, że podobało Wam się moje “wprowadzenie” do Ameryki Północnej. 🙂
Adorable picture! Loved all of your photos!
Thank you! 🙂
Very cute chipmunk!
We had lots of fun observing them 🙂
Wprowadzenie było świetne. Muszę jeszcze raz, po kolei przeczytać wszystkie wpisy. USA to kraj leżący zdala od moich zainteresowań.
Dzięki! Też wcześniej USA nie było moim wymarzonym krajem, ale przyroda mnie oczarowała 🙂
He his adorable ! I like squirrels !
They’re super cute 🙂
Ha ha ha – what a cutie – nice snap 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Dzięki za ten miesiąc doznań 🙂 To jest tylko blogowy appetizer 🙂
“appetizer” – chyba użyję tego słówka następnym razem! 🙂 Dzięki!
Przystawki powinny zaostrzać apetyt, więc mam nadzieję, że to tak działa! 😉
Very nice picture ! It is always so difficult to take nice photos of small cute animals because they are moving all the time like crazy 🙂 But you have a great talent on that !
I loved all the landscapes you presented on your blog and I got plenty of inspiration for my future trip to US (whenever that is).
Thank you!
And I’m glad my short posts inspire you, because that’s a goal of it! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Like short posts
What a cute chipmunk! I’m sure he (or she) and the rest of the US wish you a happy trip to wherever you go next. 🙂 I did a six month road trip around the US once, and I agree with you, we have beautiful landscapes. Happy travels!
Thank you!
6 months sound great , I’m sure USA will be destination soon at some point, there is still lots to see and enjoy!
Chipmunks are so cute!
I hope you had a lot of fun during your tour 🙂
Thanks! We had lots of fun, and also with chipmunks – funny creatures 😀
How cute! I have lived in the US for 2 years and since I have left in 2002 I have only been back in transit, going to other parts of America. I think it is time I visit again…
That’s nice! I’m sure during 2 years you had plenty possibilities to enjoy the beauty of USA! 🙂
Very cute photos. Growing up in the States, I must say I completely miss it after living in Asia for six years!
Asia is also great, but some places are just unique to USA… 🙂
That really is a very sweet picture.
Thank you! 🙂
Ale słodziak. Mamy nadzieję, że kiedyś i my udamy się do Ameryki Północnej 😉
bardzo polecam, bo przyroda jest cudna! 🙂
Great photos of a land with a lot of spectacular nature parks
Thank you!
Tomorrow, we’re starting a new month with a new place 🙂
Thank you for finding my blog and liking some posts and following me
Nice to meet you! 🙂
Lovely picture of a chipmunk. I’ve loved all your photos from the U.S. A. You showed us some sttunning scenery and beautiful wildlife.
Thank you! I’m happy to hear it! 🙂 I wanted to show at least a bit of US beautiful nature and hopefully inspire to visit USA 🙂
I thoroughly enjoyed your beautiful collection of USA pictures. Thank you for sharing them. 🙂
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
Have a great Sunday!
co jak co, ale parki narodowe maja obledne.
Zawsze mowilem ze nie pojade tam znowu poki nie zniosa wiz, ale jak tak dalje pojdzie to sie przelamie…
To samo mówiłam, aż dostałam moją “służbową” wizę na Hawaje, więc trzeba było wykorztsrać na inne stany 🙂
Love the photos. Cute 🙂
Thank you! 😀
We love to get to know a little more US !!!!
Once again, thank you for sharing your photos with us, Maja !!!
A meow of Frida and Sofia
I’m happy to hear it!:)
We traveled all of 49 American states in four years! And we just came from Hawaii last month!
Wow, that’s impressive! What’s your favorite state?
OMG I almost burst that chipmunk is so cute!! Great shot there as I imagine you have to be quick when they are dashing around in front of you 🙂
😀 Thank you!
Yeah, they’re usually pretty fast and extra funny!
US landscapes are some of the most amazing in the world – we recently drove from San Diego to the very top of Alaska, and the landscapes and wildlife along the way were amazing. So glad you enjoyed your time 🙂
It was beautiful there! But Alaska – it’s still on my list…
Oh he’s so cute! I say hi to him too!
Chipmunks are so adorable 🙂
That’s such a cute chipmunk!
I’m happy you like it! 🙂
What I learned from my visits to US and from numerous blogs the landscapes there are as different as beautiful and picturesque.
Indeed, the landscapes are so amazing!
Jaki słodziak 🙂
I very much enjoyed your US trip, thanks so much. 😀
I’m glad to hear it! 🙂
Have a nice day!
Your photos are amazing! They are all so beautiful and having not been to some of the places you have been, it is nice to see such great and personal photos. Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words! 🙂
Have a nice evening!
your subject is very photogenic!
Little cute chipmunk 🙂 I guess, I took too many pictures of it 😀
Cute. 😀 I love all the magnificent landscapes you presented on your blog. Thank you for sharing them. 🙂
Thank you for your nice words! 🙂
Have a nice day!
so sweet and so cute.
wish we had them here.
I think exactly the same 🙂
I was editing my third book and am just now catching up with new followers. Thanks so much for the follow. It looks like you had a grand time in the US – it’s so big, there are lots of places I haven’t seen myself. I can’t read Polish – I have a rudimentary knowledge of Czech, but my great- grandmother and great grandfather emigrated to the US from Poland in the 1890s. Their name was Paderewsky.
Thank you, Noelle!
USA is indeed a huge country, we were lucky to visit some amazing places, but still many others are waiting for us. 🙂
It’s nice to hear you had Polish relatives! Have you actually ever been to Poland? Late spring is usually a lovely time to go there. 🙂 And, Paderewski is a famous name in Poland, mostly because of Ignacy Jan Paderewski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignacy_Jan_Paderewski
Have a nice Sunday! 🙂