New Zealand – Waipoua forest

Big trees in Waipoua forest, New Zealand
Big trees in Waipoua forest, New Zealand

Amongst the evergreen trees in New Zealand you may want to have a look at so-called kauri trees growing on the most northern part of New Zealand. Some of them reach 40 – 50 meters height and have trunk diameters over 5 meters.

The most famous of these forests is called Waipoua Forest.
You’ll find there extremely huge and old kauri trees. The most famous trees have even their names: Tane Mahuta (The Lord of the Forest) and Te Matua Ngahere (Father of the Forest). They may be as old as 3000 years!


Dzisiaj kolejny post o drzewach w Nowej Zelandii. Były już paprocie, drzewa zdeformowane przez wiatr, a dziś kilka słów na temat największych drzew w Nowej Zelandii, tzw. kauri. Rosną one na Północnej Wyspie. Drzewa kauri osiągają wysokość około 40 – 50 m, a ich pień może mieć średnicę 5 m.

Najsłynniejszy las z drzewami kauri to tzw. Las Waipoua. Znajdziecie tam wyjątkowe osobniki, które nawet mają swoje imiona, np. rośnie tam Tane Mahuta (Władca Lasu) oraz Te Matua Ngahere (Ojciec Lasu). Ich wiek szacuje się na prawie 3000 lat!

18 thoughts on “New Zealand – Waipoua forest”

  1. Such an ancient forest must feel almost magical to walk in. We think of trees of a few hundred years old here as really ancient! Three-thousand- year-old kauri trees must be truly awe-inspiring. ?

    1. It does feel magical! 🙂 My husband really wanted to go there, but I thought at beginning “they are only trees”, eh, silly me 😉

  2. I loved these trees…but walking there meant a total desinfectional cleaning of your boots first – is it the same now? There was a disastrous disease killing the Kauris. I forget its name.

    1. We visited NZ also in winter 2011/2012, I don’t remember so well now, but I guess we also had to clean our shoes.

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