Argentina – Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls, Argentina
Iguazu Falls, Argentina

I guess, Iguazu Falls are one of the main attractions of Argentina. But, not only of Argentina! The waterfalls are located in 3 countries: Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. I’ll show you more pictures of the waterfall in the month about Brazil.

I have to add that Iguazu Falls are really impressive. There are many walks, where you should watch out for beautiful birds. Although for me, Iguazu Falls is the place of butterflies. Here I’ve encountered so many butterflies like at no other place again.


Wodospady Iguazu są jedną z głównych atrakcji w Argentynie. Właściwie nie tylko w Argentynie, ponieważ leżą na granicy 3 państw: Brazylii, Paragwaju i oczywiście Argentyny. W miesiącu poświęconym Brazylii zobaczycie więcej zdjęć wodospadów.

Jeszcze tylko dodam, że wodospady są sławne nie bez powodu. Są ogromne i robią wrażenie na każdym. Poza tym, okolice wodospadów oferują wiele ścieżek na spacery, i można też spotkać kolorowe ptaki. W mojej pamięci wodospady Iguazu zawsze będą miejscem motyli. Widziałam tam ogromną ilość różnych, pięknych motyli.

30 thoughts on “Argentina – Iguazu Falls”

  1. This looks amazing! I can’t wait to see more of your pictures! Argentina is on our short list to travel in soon. 🙂

    1. Thank you! We still have two weeks with Argentina on my blog 🙂

      It’s very beautiful country, and as I always say – go to Patagonia – you won’t be disappointed 🙂

  2. Beautiful!
    I still remember the power of waterfalls falling down on my body while I was flowing on the boat under them, paths with signs : one way for snakes, colourful butterflies, rainbows and the ecstasy I felt… Water is my element – I’m not a fun of swimming, but I’m a fun of it’s power:-)

  3. Jeszcze nigdy nie widziałam takiego dużego wodospadu! Musi być tam bardzo głośno od spadającej wody 🙂 Piękne zdjęcie.

  4. Your photo is so vivid, I can almost feel the spray from the falls. 😉

    I’d never heard of these waterfalls before, and I was amazed when you said they’re located in three countries. I’m off to do some online research.

  5. And the national park in which these falls are located is a World Heritage Site? Impressive amount of water, and the local geography sounds interesting, too.

  6. The falls are very beautiful !!!! I really liked the photo !!!
    A meow of Sofia

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    1. Dear Janice, thank you for visiting me back!
      Travelling is a great experience, and my huge passion. Thus I started this blog, however it’s not a typical travel blog, I post everyday new picture from my trips, and change the place every month. Each picture has its own story or tips.
      Happy travels! 🙂

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