Brazil – Is it safe?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Almost everywhere, you cannot feel 100% safe, because people are only people and something may always happen. Still, some places are considered to be more dangerous than the others.
While visiting big cities in Brazil you should stay very careful, e.g., even Brazilians warn foreigners about Rio de Janeiro. I don’t have any bad experience, but I know people who weren’t so lucky.

Brazil – Ipanema Beach

Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Another very well known beach in Rio de Janeiro (and in Brazil) is Ipanema Beach, located in the Ipanema district.

Which one, Copacabana or Ipanema, is better?
-Well, hard to say; I didn’t spend much time on any of them, however, Copacabana looked like “always crowded”, so Ipanema would be my choice.

Brazil – Sugarloaf

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sugarloaf is a mountain in Rio de Janeiro, of about half of the height (396 meters) of Corcovado Mountain.
I think, Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains are must-visit places in Rio; both provide scenic views.

One can take a cable car to reach the summit of Sugarloaf.

Sugarloaf is also popular among the rock climbers.

Brazil – Christ the Redeemer (statue)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro (Christ the Redeemer statue) is one of the big (literally big) attractions of Rio. Moreover, the statue is kind of symbol of Rio de Janeiro and even of Brazil!

The statue is 30 metres tall (plus 8 meter pedestal).
It’s located on the Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park.

Is it worth to go there?
-Absolutely! The trip to the top is very nice and the view is beautiful.

Brazil – The best of

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It may be not the best place in Brazil; someone may even say it’s the worst one. From my point of view, Rio de Janeiro is so diverse and interesting, that’s why I’m saying it’s “the best of Brazil”.

For sure, there are more beautiful places in Brazil, but Rio has many advantages, you can reach it quite easily, plus in Rio and its close vicinity there is lots to do and lots to see.

Brazil – AƧaĆ­

Delicious AƧaƭ pulp, Brazil

When I hear that someone is going to Brazil, I say “try AƧaĆ­!!!”.
AƧaĆ­ are small, black/purple berries from the AƧaĆ­ palm (Tuipan, Euterpe oleracea). It’s kind of “jungle fruit” that gives lots of nutrition to local people.

While being in Brazil, you have to try AƧaĆ­ juice or “frozen pulp”, doesn’t matter how it supposed to be called; it also doesn’t matter that it may not look very tempting (today’s picture); what matters – that it’s so delicious! šŸ˜€ I was drinking it everyday (or at least twice a day) when I was in Brazil. And when I think about Brazil, I miss AƧaĆ­ immediately…

There is one bad thing about AƧaĆ­. People realised that’s so healthy and called it as one of the “superfood”, so these days you can buy different dietary supplements with AƧaĆ­.
But don’t buy them!
AƧaĆ­ is healthy, but many of its “amazing characteristic” are not really based on scientific research. It’s usually better to buy some of the local (fresh or frozen) berries, e.g., blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Moreover, because of some craziness about AƧaĆ­, more and more AƧaĆ­ is exported from Brazil, what means that precious food is “stolen” from local people.
So, please, enjoy AƧaƭ, but only in Brazil!

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