Simla or Shimla is a town located in the northern India, about 380 km from Delhi.
Shimla is situated in a mountain area what gives some possibilities for nice hikes. After visiting other Indian cities, I had the impression that I’m not in India any more. It’s just quite different from e.g., Delhi.
What are the attractions of Shimla?
Well, my answer may sound a bit strange – but the biggest tourist attraction is the railway from Kalka to Shimla. It’s so-called the Kalka–Shimla Railway. This line was built by the British; opened in 1903. Currently, it’s even a UNESCO World Heritage Site! The distance between Kalka and Shimla is only 96 km, but it takes about 5 hours to travel it by train! This mountain route goes through around 800 bridges and 100 tunnels, and it’s very scenic!
I love old railways. This one sounds magical.
It sounds wonderful!! And I really love the photo! Once again very well done! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
I guess, I should have posted a picture of a railway, but I like this one much more.
The railway journey through so much scenic countryside sounds wonderful.
Lovely! Wish I could take that ride! I have put a picture of the railway track in my last post.