Madeira – Levada in Vereda dos Balcoes

Levada in Vereda dos Balcoes, Madeira
Levada in Vereda dos Balcoes, Madeira

Today, you can see another example of levada. Hiking on levada paths can be very easy and relaxing (like today’s photo, levada in Vereda dos Balcoes), but some of them are very narrow (compare post from 23rd of November 2015) and may be very slippery.

While being in Madeira, try to do levada hikes. I think it’s something really special.


Na dzisiejszym zdjęciu widzicie kolejny przykład lewady. Spacer wzdłuż lewady może być bardzo odprężający, jak dzisiejszy przykład lewady Vereda dos Balcoes. Jednak niektóre lewady bywają bardzo wąskie i śliskie, więc taka wędrówka wymaga więcej skupienia; porównajcie zdjęcie z 23 listopada – tamta lewada jest znacznie węższa.

42 thoughts on “Madeira – Levada in Vereda dos Balcoes”

    1. Cara Annalisa, queste nuvole che si appiccicano e che rendono scivolosi i sentieri sono anche abbastanza pericolose se si iniziano le camminate sulle lavade dopo aver consumato un ottimo Poncha come abbiamo fatto noi. Cari saluti Martina

  1. This is a very beautiful environment! Did you visit Madeira in combination with Portugal? And how many days would you recommend for Madeira?

    1. We went just to Madeira, but I guess it’s nice combination to visit something in Portugal together with Madeira or Azores.
      We spent there something like a week, not so long, but I think it was enough to do many hikes and sightseeing.

  2. Miejsce zupełnie jak z baśniowej opowieści. Wiekowy las, mgła… Spacer wzdłuż lewady, która przeniesie nas w zupełnie inny świat 🙂

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