Today you can see another windmill, but a bit unusual. 😉 Isn’t it funny? I found it while cycling in Texel Island.
Texel is the largest Dutch island, and probably the easiest to reach from Amsterdam. There are a few more islands that belong to the Netherlands, and I can highly recommend to visit at least one of them.
The Netherlands also has islands in the Caribbean, but it’s a different topic, let’s stay for a while in Europe. 🙂
Na dzisiejszym zdjęciu widoczny jest kolejny wiatrak. To chyba jedyny w swoim rodzaju wiatrak. Znalazłam go podczas rowerowej wycieczki po wyspie Texel.
Texel, to największa wyspa holenderska i chyba też najłatwiej się tam dostać z Amsterdamu.
Holandia ma kilka uroczych wysepek na Morzy Północnym i bardzo polecam odwiedzenie chociażby jednej z nich!
Do Holandii (a właściwie Królestwa Niderlandów) należy też 6 wysepek na Karaibach, ale to trochę inna historia; póki co zostańmy w Europie. 🙂
It reminds me somehow (do not ask how :-P) this flightless cormorant you had posted 😀
hihi 😀
Jest świetny! Takiego jeszcze nie widziałam.
Wzbudził w mnie wiele radości gdy go zobaczyłam jadąc po wyspie Texel na rowerze i szukając latarni morskiej 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pic of an old windmill before!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Isn’t this windmill cute and funny? 🙂
Is it just decorative? Or can that possibly be useful?
Nowadays, it’s only a decoration, the most unique windmill I’ve ever seen 🙂
Blogger Recognition Award Nomination
Annie 🙂
Thank you Annie (http://gentlementalannie.com/) ! 🙂
I imagine the “arms” were covered with something to catch the wind in its days of use?
Sort of a skeleton of a windmill now!
Enjoying your windmill tour.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find the story behind this windmill, but it’s so unique that I just had to post a photo of it. 🙂
I reckon that could still turn!… well maybe not without collapsing!
Thanks for visiting!
A very nice blog indeed. Thank you for following mine. You didn’t have a follow but you can bet I have subscribed.
Thank you! 🙂
I like your blog a lot!
After I started my blog (so just from April) I realized how many interesting blogs exist!