New Zealand – Glow worms & Caves

Ruakuri Cave, New Zealand
Ruakuri Cave, New Zealand

In New Zealand, you’ll find interesting caves with stalactite and stalagmite formations.
Some caves are accessible to everyone, while others are rather for more adventurous travelers as you can do here climbing or rafting.
I guess, it sounds like a typical cave exploration. But in some caves in New Zealand, you’ll see something more than rock formations – glow worms!

Glow worm is a common name for various groups of insect that glow. When it’s dark in a cave, you can see thousands little bluish or greenish lights. That looks really spectacular.


W Nowej Zelandii, znajdziecie także wiele jaskiń z pięknymi stalaktytami i stalagmitami. Niektóre jaskinie są dostępne dla każdego, bez względu na wiek, a inne są raczej dla osób lubiących wyzwania jak wspinaczka czy nawet spływ łodzią (rafting).
W wielu państwach można znaleźć takie atrakcje, ale jaskinie w Nowej Zelandii oferują jeszcze coś wyjątkowego – świetliki! W ciemnej jaskini można zaobserwować ogrom malutkich, zielonkawych/niebieskich światełek, i wygląda to przepięknie!

24 thoughts on “New Zealand – Glow worms & Caves”

  1. I’m enjoying your travels in NZ. We have glow worms on the Gold Coast – and also fireflies – quite surreal to see them flashing on and off through the garden on a summer evening.

    1. Yes, we visited a few of them, but Waitomo is the one with glow worms. 🙂
      It’s impressive, isn’t it?

  2. I’d love to see those caves! We’ve visited several caves in Britain but never seen glow worms. What a great experience. Thank you for sharing this. ?

    1. Thank you for commenting! 🙂
      Indeed, it’s a very unique experience!
      Can you recommend any cave in Britain?

  3. I’ve heard that the caves in New Zealand are breath-taking. Well, your one picture does not say much, but it’s pretty nice!! Share more so I can see how beautiful they are :).

    1. Thank you for visiting! 🙂
      I keep once picture a day, just to give some ideas and inspire to travel, but not to spoil everything 😉

  4. to absolutne must see w Nowej Zelandii
    póki nie zobaczyłam na własne oczy nie mogłam uwierzyć, że świetliki istnieją naprawdę 😉

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