Turkey – Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse 2006, Turkey
Total Solar Eclipse 2006, Turkey

As I told you yesterday, my first trip to Turkey was very special and connected with my profession. I’m aware, it has almost nothing in common with traveling in Turkey, but I’m an astrophysicist, so I had to show you this picture. 😀

First, I went to Turkey in March 2006, hoping to observe a total solar eclipse by myself. And we’re very lucky, the weather was perfect and everything went fine. My camera wasn’t so good that time, but I managed to take some pictures. If you ever have a chance to witness a total solar eclipse, I can really recommend it! It’s a very unique experience, for everyone, not only for scientists! 🙂
I really enjoyed it, not only the spectacular sun, but also nature that behaved in a special way. We’re outside Konya, completely alone, and could really observe how birds and other tiny animals behaved differently, and how silent everything became when the sun was completely covered. Simply amazing!


Tak jak wczoraj wspomniałam, moja pierwsza wizyta w Turcji była związana z moim zawodem i pasją. Wiem, że to prawie nie ma nic wspólnego z podróżowaniem po Turcji, jednak z racji że jestem astrofizykiem, musiałam Wam pokazać to zdjęcie. 🙂

To był marzec 2006 roku, gdy po raz pierwszy wybrałam się do Turcji, wtedy z marzeniem o zaobserwowaniu całkowitego zaćmienia słońca. I udało się, pogoda była idealna! 🙂 Mój ówczesny aparat fotograficzny nie był najlepszej klasy, ale udało mi się sfotografować różne fazy zaćmienia. 🙂 Jeżeli kiedyś będziecie mieli okazję doświadczyć całkowitego zaćmienia słońca, to bardzo, bardzo polecam! 🙂 To niesamowite przeżycie, nie tylko dla naukowców! 🙂
Na zaćmienie, znaleźliśmy odludne miejsce, niedaleko Konya i dzięki temu zachwycaliśmy się nie tylko słońcem, ale i przyrodą, która dosłownie ucichła i zamarła na czas całkowitej fazy zaćmienia. Jedyne w swoim rodzaju doświadczenie!

78 thoughts on “Turkey – Total Solar Eclipse”

  1. Many years ago I witnessed a total eclipse in Southern Australia. Just as you said, the fascinating thing was the effect it had on the birds. Magpies that had had been carolling and flying one second,
    fell silent, roosting until the light began to appear again – a mini dawn! They celebrated with birdsong just as if it were too. I have only witnessed partial eclipses since.

    1. Thank you for your story! It’s an amazing experience, and I’m waiting for another chance 🙂

    1. Dziękuję! Przed i po są z uzyciem specjalnego filtru, a w trakcie maskymalnego zakrycia zdjemuje się filtr.

  2. This is really amazing!! Both the photo and the experience! I so much to experience a total one myself 🙂

    1. Thank you! We should travel next time together and enjoy the total solar eclipse! 🙂

        1. hmm, tempting! but when could it be with JWST? they are always delayed… 😉

  3. This is fascinating… In 1999, there was a total solar eclipse in France, I was 10 and I remember the strange, strange light at midday… It felt deeply esoteric.

    1. Dziękuję! Tak, złożyłam te kilka zdjęć w całość, w tym przypadku niekóre pojedyncze klatki wyglądają trochę nudno 😉

  4. What a great experience to have had! Your photo is excellent. I’ve never considered the effects of an eclipse on wildlife before, and found that interesting. I can imagine how strange the silence must have been. ?

  5. We tried to get pictures of an eclipse recently and weren’t as successful as you were in Turkey. Those are great pictures.

  6. I’ve never seen a total solar eclipse. Magical! Sounds like the perfect experience for you.

    1. It seems they think it’s night, but very short night… maybe they’re just confused… 😉

  7. I don’t recall ever seeing a total solar eclipse. I’d love to witness one, especially with a nice camera in hand. You bring up an interesting point about animal behavior during that time. That would be something fascinating to observe as well!

  8. Witnessing the total solar eclipse is on my list! It’s absolutely fascinating and beautiful! I don’t believe it’s common nor easy to catch a sight of this, especially in California!

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