When we’re planning our US adventure, it was very easy to find amazing places that we wanted to visit. It was much more difficult to not extend our trip too much. We spent around one month in USA exploring mostly nature of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, with a short visit to Montana, California and New York. We felt in love with Rocky Mountains range, and we’ll be back there one day! 🙂
In today’s picture you can see famous Monument Valley in Arizona together with native American statutes.
Podczas planowania naszej „północno-amerykańskiej przygody”, nie mieliśmy żadnych problemów aby znaleźć ciekawe miejsca, które chcemy odwiedzić. Znaczne trudniejsze było zaplanowanie wakacji mieszczących się w ramach przyzwoitego urlopu. 😉 Ostatecznie, spędziliśmy około miesiąca w USA zachwycając się przyrodą w stanach: Arizona, Kolorado, Utah, Wyoming, plus krótsze wizyty w stanie Montana, Kalifornia i Nowy Jork. Góry skaliste skradły nasze serca i na pewno kiedyś wrócimy w te rejony. 🙂
Na dzisiejszym zdjęciu widzicie „Monument Valley”, czyli „Dolinę Pomników” razem z figurkami rdzennych Amerykanów.
Very colourful and smile-inducing. ?
That’s nice, thank you! 🙂
This picture may not show the beauty of the Monument Valley, but being a “smile-inducing” is even better! 😉
Un’immagine splendida, e molto originale
Un saluto,silvia
Thank you! 🙂
Very unique statues 🙂 great shot!
Thank you!
Have a nice day! 🙂
Love the Kachina dolls! We have many of those at our house back home, outside of Seattle…some of them, you can take the masks off and they have different faces beneath. Very cool. – Bill
That’s interesting! Thanks! 🙂
That is really really cool!! 😀
Thanks! 😀
Moje Marzenie :))))
Wbrew pozorom, nie takie trudne do zrealizowania!
Amazing place! These ‘mittens’ look magnificent. I was there 7 years ago, and left my heart in the red desert.
It’s a great place, isn’t it 🙂
A very beautiful image. Especially the native American sculpture. Is such sculpture common there?
Thank you! 🙂
I think, they’re quite common, of different colors and shapes. And often, it’s possible to buy them directly from native Americans.
I have been out there it is stunning and so is your photo.
Thank you! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
I really love this photo. A place that is still on my bucket list.
Thank you! 🙂
It’s a beautiful place!