Today, I’m showing you the last picture from Hawaiian Islands this month. This time, it’s Kauai Island. It’s somehow funny that this island is full of chickens. 😀 Mongooses, chickens’ enemy, weren’t introduced to Kauai, so don’t be surprise when chickens walk in your hotel. 🙂
In Kauai you can also find Waimea Canyon (today’s photo), that is also called ”The Grand Canyon of the Pacific”.
Dzisiaj już ostatnie zdjęcie z Hawajów. Tym razem, jest to wyspa Kauai i co ciekawe słynie ona z obecności kurczaków! 😀 Mangusty – naturalny wróg kurczaków, nie zostały wprowadzone na Kauai, stąd nie należy się dziwić gdy zobaczymy kury biegające po naszym hotelu. 😉
Oczywiście nikt nie jedzie na Kauai, żeby zobaczyć kury. 😉 Jest tam kilka uroczych miejsc! Bardzo polecam wybrać się do Kanionu Waimea (na zdjęciu), który jest nazywany “Wielkim Kanionem Pacyfiku”.
Wow – so beautiful!
Thank you! It’s a beautiful place 🙂
Hahaha! really? that chickens in your hotel must be cute! exciting…
Yeah, they’re funny and also cute, but would you like to pet chicken? 😉
Mi perdo nell’infinità di quei promontori….foto bellissima!
Un saluto,silvia
Niiice 🙂 I would like to pet a chicken and I even know someone that I can ask for advice 😛 😉
hihi 😀
Have a nice day!
That’s a really interesting snippet of information! It creates a very funny image, too!
Thanks for visiting and commenting! I saw in Kauai a few beautiful birds, but the story about chickens is just funny 😀
I cannot imagine having a chicken walk into my hotel room!!
Isn’t it funny 🙂
Kury w hotelu! A potem budzisz się rano z jajkiem pod poduszką 🙂
hihi! To by było coś! 😀
Traveling in mind or by foot, rail, or any other means is always an adventure of heart and soul. You have certainly done most of the above in this very exciting blog. Thank you for this wonderful visit to these beautiful Hawaiian Islands. Eddie
Thank you Eddie!
Have a nice day! 🙂
What a beautiful place !!!!!
A meow of Frida
Thank you! 🙂
We visited Kauai and Waimea Canyon for the first time earlier this year and I have thought of it almost every day! I would love to return. And weren’t the hens and roosters just the funniest things! You put a smile on my face this morning…I’d still like to return. 🙂
Thank you for your nice comment! I hope you return to Kauai soon! Currently, we have ugly, grey and cloudy days, so I’d like to be there as well 😉
Przepięknie tam!
Dziękuję za wizytę! Kauai to urocza wyspa 🙂