Cuba – Vintage American car

Vintage American car, Cuba
Vintage American car, Cuba

These beautiful cars came to Cuba before 1960. In that year the United States imposed the embargo against Cuba ending the importation of cars and their parts.

Almost all American cars are in private hands. Some of their parts were changed to newer ones, but many are already used and not in the best shape. The best example you see on today’s picture, beautiful from outside, but broken inside…


Te piękne samochody trafiły na Kubę przed 1960 rokiem, kiedy to Stany Zjednoczone nałożyły embargo na Kubę, o zakaz handlu samochodami i ich częściami.

Obecnie, większość starych amerykańskich aut jest w prywatnych rękach. Po tylu latach intensywnego użytkowania samochody nie są w najlepszym stanie. Mimo, że niektóre ich elementy udało się wymienić na nowsze, często zawodzą… Jak na dzisiejszym zdjęciu, piękny, błyszczący samochód, niestety nie jest sprawny…

22 thoughts on “Cuba – Vintage American car”

  1. I’ve got gear sentiment to these cars. The most exicting ride in my life, my taxi was 55 years old. From outside -the piece of art, inside everything repaired in a primitive way, but so autentic 😉

    1. I took a several rides with these cool cars and immediately fell in love with them! 😀

  2. My dad had a red and white 55 Chevy like that one in your photo. A few pro photographers went to Cuba just to photograph those cars. It was a neat photo op. It would be a cool place for travel.

    1. That’s a great memory!
      I’m sure each photographer enjoys Cuba, so colourful, so special, plus these amazing cars 😀

      1. no a lot changed since those day´s
        thanks for your comment
        under that picture wiht the Penguins , is an PowerPoint with beautiful pics

  3. I like these old cars, cars in general, although I don’t like their impact on environment and would gladly leave them to rust for a better way. But they are, in a manner of speaking, a work of art.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I have to say, I’m against having a car, well, in many places it’s perfectly possible.
      But the old vehicles in Cuba are so cool 😉

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