Cuba – Fiat

Polski Fiat, Cuba
Polski Fiat, Cuba

I had to show you this picture, because I’m Polish. 🙂 It’s a Polski Fiat (Polish Fiat), a car that was manufactured in Poland, well, already some time ago… But I was quite happy to see this one in Cuba and had to take a photo of it. 😀

When I was young, the models Fiat 125p and Fiat 126p were very popular in Poland. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to spot them in Poland.

On Wikipedia you’ll find pictures and information about the company, some of the models look really cool!


Dzisiaj polski akcent znaleziony na Kubie – Polski Fiat. 😀 Samochód nie jest widoczny w pełnej okazałości, ale skupiłam się na napisie i ten widok na Kubie sprawił mi wielką radość! 😀

Wielu z nas pamięta czasy, gdy na polskich ulicach jeździło tylko kilka modeli aut, w tym oczywiście Fiat 125p i 126p. Obecnie gdy takiego zauważymy to jest atrakcją…

35 thoughts on “Cuba – Fiat”

  1. I remember when I went to Cuba, the taxi (not an official one) that took us to the hotel was a very very old car. But the taxi driver was so nice! He was listening to music at the radio (american one) and was singing so loud! ?

    1. Mam nadzieję, że dzisiejsze zdjęcie przypomniało Ci miłe chwile z przeszłości 🙂

  2. Ah, 126! Dad had one when he was a bachelor, then moved up one rank to the 127 when we kids arrived. My Hungarian relatives told me that it was common, for people in Hungary, to put a 126 engine in their Trabants as soon as they got a Trabi and could get their hands on a Fiat Polska engine (that gives an idea of how shitty the Trabi’s powerplant must’ve been!).

    BTW, Fiat Polska still produces some fine cars, like the old Panda I drove for so many years… Thanks, Poland!

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