Estonia – Introduction

Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia

In November I want to share with you my impressions about Estonia.

Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia, is a small European country, one of so-called Baltic states.
The territory of Estonia has a long history, but not so peaceful. Estonia was occupied by different nations for many years. Because of that we say that Estonia is relatively young. In 1991 Estonia become an independent country after occupation of Soviet Union.
From 2004 Estonia is a member of the European Union and in 2011 Estonia joined eurozone.

Have you been to Estonia?
I was there twice and have very positive memories. 🙂


W listopadzie podzielę się z Wami moimi wrażeniami z wizyty w Estonii.
Byliście w Estonii?
Ja miałam okazję odwiedzić to państwo dwa razy i każda wizyta pozostawiła bardzo pozytywne wspomnienia. 🙂

Estonia, oficjalnie Republika Estońska, to małe europejskie państwo należące do tzw. krajów bałtyckich.
Historia terytorium należącego do Estonii jest długa i burzliwa. Jednak Estonia jest dość młodym państwem, ponieważ dopiero w 1991 odzyskała niepodległość, wyzwalając się spod okupacji Związku Radzieckiego.
Co ciekawe, już w 2004 roku Estonia stała się członkiem Unii Europejskiej, a w 2011 przyjęła walutę euro.

22 thoughts on “Estonia – Introduction”

  1. solo Tallin, per la visita delle tre capitali dei piccoli stati baltici
    splendida immagine, sono felice di fare una visita più completa con te, ne avrò suggerimenti per l’avvenire
    :-)… mi propongo di tornare

  2. Wonderful, Maja! 🙂 I am excited about Estonia this month 🙂 I have only been to Tallinn and it was very cute! I lived in Finland for over 2 years before moving to Poland, and I met many Estonians there. Their language is very similar and Tallinn is a popular place to visit and buy cheaper alcohol for Finns 🙂

  3. I’ve been to Estonia several times and stayed there from two weeks to a month in one trip. I visited Tallin, Tartu, Narva. By the time of my visits it was part of Soviet Union but even then it was huge difference in style of life, attitude, culture and other things in comparison to other Soviet Republics. The similarity you could find were only in the other two Baltic Republics: Latvia and Lithuania.
    I still have really pleasant impressions of my visits. I am pretty sure nowadays Estonia absolutely different – better than before.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your memories! Maybe you’ll have a chance to go there again and compare how everything changed ?

  4. Estonia is indeed very tiny. A little bit more then 1 mln people live there. But the language is very strange – it comes from the same root as Hungarian and Finnish. I will follow your travel with pleasure 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      and language is strange, indeed; it was funny for me because i saw my name written in many places 🙂

  5. I love it in Tallinn, have been there so often already and once also visiting some friends family more down south and enjoying the wonderful beaches there 🙂

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