El Calafate in Argentina is called the capital of glaciers. And there is a good reason for this name.
In the picture you can see one of many glaciers nearby El Calafate.
Miasto El Calafate nazywane jest stolicą lodowców i zdecydowanie zasługuje na taką nazwę.
Na zdjęciu jeden z pobliskich lodowców.
Hey Maja, It’s so nice to have come across your blog! I, for one, thought you were a photographer, by the amazingly captured photos that you’ve posted! They are truly wonderful, really! 🙂
Look forward to more posts from you!
Nice to meet you!
Hannah 🙂
Hi Hannah,
thank you for your nice words and visiting my blog!!! 🙂
Hey Maja, I certainly don’t mean to intrude, but could you tell, how does one visit so many wonderful places on a budget? I’m a wanderlust, and wish to visit as many places as I can. I’m only 20 though, so is it your work that takes you to all these places or is it something to do with photography? Please do tell. I’d be more than happy to know the kind of occupation that would give me an opportunity to visit these beautiful places.
I would really appreciate your help. Thank you, immensely. 🙂
Hannah 🙂
No worries 😉
As you can find in “About” I’m an astrophysicist, so as a scientist I travel a lot, because of conferences or for observations, and then I can always visit something around. But in general, I love travelling, and often search for special offers flights etc. When I started travelling – it was mostly Europe, because I live here, ans it was the cheapest for me, you can easily travel by train or bus, so it’s possible to save a lot. Then, I was visiting Asia, that is even cheaper, you just have to be lucky to find a cheap flight. I also took a break from my work, after saving for 3 years and I was travelling for half a year, and then I finally managed to visit my favourite Falklands or Galapagos.
If you have more questions just ask me 🙂
Widok zapiera dech! Pozdrawiam
Dziękuję za odwiedziny! 🙂
Very cool !!!!!Hehehe….
A meow of Sofia
Thanks! 🙂