Ecuador – People


When I started traveling, I hardy ever was taking pictures of people. I was always more interested by nature or architecture. At some point, I change my mind and realized that local people are actually an important part of a culture in a given country. I like to observe what kind of clothes they wear, especially traditional clothes. Unfortunately, younger generations often don’t want to wear traditional clothes any more; that makes sense, but it’s also a bit sad.

Ecuador – Galapagos Islands

Ecuador – Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands belongs to Ecuador.
However, the islands are so unique, that should be treated somehow separately, and I also had already a single month only about the Galapagos Island.

Anyway, it’s an amazing place and please have a look at my posts before planing your trip to the Galapagos Islands; I was trying to include some information how to make your trip more eco-friendly and ethical.

Egypt – Final Impression


As a final word for this month travel impressions, I want to emphasised that my time in Egypt was very limited and I didn’t have a chance to go to many places I dream of – like Luxor. Hopefully, one day, I can visit more of Egypt and then prepare a second month about Egypt on my blog. 🙂

For now, that’s all about Egypt; hopefully, you liked some of the pictures.
And tomorrow, we’re going far, far away. 🙂

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