Quilotoa is also a name of the village where the lake is located.
Category: Uncategorized
Ecuador – Laguna Quilotoa
Quilotoa is a volcano that last erupted in 1280. The eruption caused a 3km-wide caldera which is now filled with water, so we can enjoy beautiful Laguna Quilotoa.
Ecuador – Landscapes
Ecuador is a country of lovely landscapes, so nature definitely a good reson to visit Ecuador.
Ecuador – Native Ecuadorian
This Native Ecuadorian or Native American is only a man from the museum in the equator site. I’m presenting you this picture to show how diverse Ecuadorians are.
Ecuador – Traditional Clothing
Ecuador is a small country, but with different regions of different climates. In each area, traditional clothes look a bit different. Everything is interesting and usually full of colorful fabrics.
Ecuador – Ecuadorians
Ecuadorians have various ethnic origins.vThe country is relatively small, but Ecuadorians make Ecuador even more diverse and also very interesting for travellers.
Ecuador – People
When I started traveling, I hardy ever was taking pictures of people. I was always more interested by nature or architecture. At some point, I change my mind and realized that local people are actually an important part of a culture in a given country. I like to observe what kind of clothes they wear, especially traditional clothes. Unfortunately, younger generations often don’t want to wear traditional clothes any more; that makes sense, but it’s also a bit sad.
Ecuador – Shoe Cleaning
After visiting variety of countries/territories, I realised that cleaning shoes on the streets is still popular in some of them. I’ve never seen it in Europe, so at first, I was surprised; but later it became more normal to me, so I stopped taking pictures of this. 😉
Ecuador – Quito
Quito is located at 2850 metres above sea level and this determines its average temperatures.
Definitely visit Quito, or use it a base for daily trips; just keep in mind, it may be colder there than you would expected.
Ecuador – Capital
Quito is the largest city of Ecuador and its capital.
Ecuador – Equator and Landscape
If you’re bored with all informations about the equator, you can simply enjoy the nature. There are nice landscapes around. 🙂
Ecuador – Museums nearby Equator
In the museums, you can see different exhibitions about the equator and Ecuador. Some of them try to explain what equator is; the others (look carefully at today’s picture) focus more on history…
Ecuador – Crossing Equator
You can cross the equator in Ecuador without really noticing it.
Or you can visit a museum and Equatorial Monument.
Ecuador – Equator
Ecuador lies on the equator, that’s the place where the Earth is the widest.
There are 13 countries that lie on the equator: Brazil, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Kenya, Kiribati, Maldives, Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome & Principe, Somalia, and Uganda.
Ecuador – Name of the Country
Why Ecuador is called Ecuador?
-Well, Ecuador is named after equator and I find it quite nice.
Ecuador – Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands belongs to Ecuador.
However, the islands are so unique, that should be treated somehow separately, and I also had already a single month only about the Galapagos Island.
Anyway, it’s an amazing place and please have a look at my posts before planing your trip to the Galapagos Islands; I was trying to include some information how to make your trip more eco-friendly and ethical.
Ecuador – Flag
The flag of Ecuador consists of 3 horizontal bands: yellow (double width), blue and red.
As a small confusion, I’m showing you today a flag of Quito. 🙂
Ecuador – Basic Information
Republic of Ecuador is a relatively small South American country.
It’s only bordered by Colombia and Peru.
Ecuador – Introduction
Welcome to Ecuador!
October on my blog is going to be all about this South American country.
I can promise you lots of nature and … snow. 🙂
Hopefully, you’ll like it.
Egypt – Final Impression
As a final word for this month travel impressions, I want to emphasised that my time in Egypt was very limited and I didn’t have a chance to go to many places I dream of – like Luxor. Hopefully, one day, I can visit more of Egypt and then prepare a second month about Egypt on my blog. 🙂
For now, that’s all about Egypt; hopefully, you liked some of the pictures.
And tomorrow, we’re going far, far away. 🙂