Cuba – Cathedral

The Cathedral in Havana, Cuba
The Cathedral in Havana, Cuba

The Old Town of Havana has many nice places and you should really visit them. I think the most famous is The Cathedral de San Cristobal. You’ll enjoy old nearby buildings, and from each side of the Cathedral you find something interesting! Here I spotted the themes for my pictures I showed you in the previous days. It’s a nice calm place, where you can relax. 🙂


Stare miasto Hawany jest uroczym miejscem na spacer. Będąc w Hawanie koniecznie się tam wybierzcie aby poznać wyjątkowe oblicze miasta. Mam nadzieję, że pokazałam Wam w poprzednich postach, że mieszkańcy także stanowią o wyjątkowości Hawany. Warto też rozglądać się za starymi budynkami i obowiązkowo znajdźcie katedrę. 🙂

20 thoughts on “Cuba – Cathedral”

    1. Ciekawa opinia, ja chyba lubię i jedne i drugie, ale zgadzam się że każdy ma swój gust i z tym się nie dyskutuje 😀

  1. Did you go inside? I’ve been to Cuba a couple times, but have never actually gone in the cathedral, which suddenly seems like an oversight. I’m leading a tour there in April, so let me know if I should put inside the cathedral (or anywhere else in particular) on my list for this visit!

    1. I have to say, I also didn’t! However, I don’t remember why…
      I wish you a great trip to Cuba! and about places I recommend, I think I mention all of them on my blog in January. The most important is simply a walk around the Old Havana, and the you can easily enjoy everything, places, people, cars…

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