The Galapagos land iguana is one of many endemic Galapagos species and can be seen on a few islands. We had a chance to observe while it was eating a cactus. Maybe nothing special, but I still remember how the iguana was holding that cactus in its “human-like” hands.
Legwan galapagoski (czy też legwan lądowy) jest jednym z wielu endemicznych gatunków na wyspach Galapagos, czyli można go spotkać tylko tam. Mieliśmy okazję podglądać tego dużego, kolorowego jaszczura jak zajadał się owocem kaktusa. Niby nic specjalnego, każdy musi coś jeść, ale utkwiło mi w pamięci jak trzymał owoc w swoich “paluszkach”, które całkiem przypominają ludzką dłoń.
We have some iguanas here in Florida .. I took some pictures just this past weekend … But I think they are an invasive species here, from pets turned loose once upon a time. I think they are great to watch however, and you are exactly right about their “hands.”.
Indeed, i had a great time observing them, especially in the Caribbean Islands.
Tomorrow, you will find them here again – maybe a bit unusual picture, but typical for the Galapagos. 🙂
Very well photographed!
Thank you!
It is great to learn about the Galapagos land iguana… I love this post… and… as a matter of fact I have a tattoo of an iguana on my toe!… Have a great day. Aquileana 😀
Thank you!
That’s interesting 🙂
Have a nice day, too!