New Zealand – Milford Sound

Milford Sound, New Zealand
Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound is probably one of the most famous sites in New Zealand. It’s a fiord on South Island, that is surrounded by steep cliffs and dense rainforest. It’s so unique, that pictures from Milford Sound can be easily recognized. πŸ™‚

To enjoy Milford Sound you can simply take a boat trip, and spend a few hours on the calm waters. The other option is more adventurous – you can do a few days long hike (also called tramping). In both cases, I guess, your camera will be busy capturing the beauty.

As you see from the picture, it’s quite a rainy place. Moreover, we met there a huge number of biting sandflies… besides this, it’s a lovely area. πŸ™‚


Milford Sound jest prawdopodobnie najsłynniejszą atrakcją Nowej Zelandii. To fiord na Wyspie Południowej, który jest otoczony przez strome klify i gęsty las deszczowy. Milford Sound jest bardzo charakterystycznym miejscem, które bez problemu może zostać rozpoznane na zdjęciach.

Aby podziwiaΔ‡ Milford Sound najlepiej wybraΔ‡ siΔ™ na kilkugodzinnΔ… wycieczkΔ™ statkiem po fiordzie albo kilkudniowy trekking. W obu przypadkach Wasze aparaty bΔ™dΔ… miaΕ‚y co robiΔ‡. πŸ˜‰

Warto jednak wiedzieΔ‡, ΕΌe Milford Sound znajduje siΔ™ w bardzo wilgotnym miejscu, i jak sugeruje dzisiejsze zdjΔ™cie deszcz nie naleΕΌy tam do rzadkoΕ›ci. Co wiΔ™cej, w okolicach Milford Sound spotkaliΕ›my ogromnΔ… iloΕ›Δ‡ uciΔ…ΕΌliwych muszek… pomijajΔ…c ten fakt, jest tam piΔ™knie. πŸ™‚

32 thoughts on “New Zealand – Milford Sound”

  1. Opis sugeruje, ΕΌe moΕΌe lepiej poprzestaΔ‡ na podziwianiu zdjΔ™Δ‡ i radoΕ›ci, ΕΌe komuΕ› nie tylko chce siΔ™ wybieraΔ‡ na kilkudniowy spacer w deszczu ale i dzieliΔ‡ zdjΔ™ciami πŸ™‚
    DziΔ™kujΔ™ za kolejny piΔ™kny widok na dobranoc πŸ™‚

  2. It looks quite a mystical place, very beautiful with those distinctive mountains around it. I’m not sure I’d like the annoying little sandflies, though! Great photo. ?
    (I’ve no idea why my name as showing my surname twice. )

    1. Thank you! πŸ™‚
      Concerning your double-surname, I thought it was on purpose πŸ™‚ maybe some strange WordPress settings?

  3. that is seriously awesome….minus the sand flies.
    New Zealand has to be right up there with the top most beautiful countries with its diverse land masses and waters.

  4. Wow! I have expected this, actually when I went to the sound.
    But the whole time I was staying in Fjordland the sun was always shining! So I didn’t have stress with too much sand flies! πŸ™‚

    1. yeah, they’re pretty annoying, maybe it’s just to keep the balance between the beauty of the nature πŸ˜‰

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