New Zealand – Hobbiton

Hobbiton, New Zealand
Hobbiton, New Zealand

When I visited Hobbiton Movie Site, I simply wanted to stay there forever and live in one of the cute houses. Everything is surrounded by green fields full of sheep. Marvellous. Hey, where is Gandalf? 😉

Someone may say, this place nearby Matamata is just artificial and commercialised. Well probably it is, but in relation to others it kept a literally “down-to-earth” atmosphere. 😉 For me, it’s a beautiful place, and I can recommend it to everyone.


Po odwiedzeniu Hobbitonu, filmowej wioski zamieszkałej przez Hobbity, chciałam tam zostać na zawsze i zamieszkać z jednym z uroczych domków! Cała okolica jest prześliczna, zielone wzgórza pełne owiec, po prostu czas tam płynie inaczej. 🙂

Pewnie niektórzy uważają to miejsce w pobliżu Matamata, za sztuczne i komercyjne. W pewnym sensie takie też ono jest, jednak czasami nie da się tego uniknąć. Według mnie jest tam ślicznie i każdemu będę je polecać! 🙂

53 thoughts on “New Zealand – Hobbiton”

  1. Beautiful! I’m just over the straight here in Australia so I’m hoping I have the chance to visit NZ soon! Lovely photo, I love that everything I see about NZ appears so pure!

  2. I’ve been on a hunt for a cheap flight to New Zealanf specifically to visit Hobbiton. Although I confess that I’m not a big LOTR fan, it seems like such a beautiful spot that I really want to see for myself. Until then, I’ll drool over the photos I’ve been seeing!

  3. Nie ma znaczenia, w jaki sposób powstała ta wioska. Najważniejsze, ze to miejsce odnalezione dla Hobbitów 🙂 Gdzieś ten świat musiał istnieć, a NZ to idealne miejsce 🙂

    1. ja nie jestem super wielkim fanem, ale czytałam i oglądałam, jednak najbardziej mnie zauroczyła nowozelandzka przyroda 😀

  4. I would love to visit the Hobbiton Movie Site myself. After watching the Lord of the Rings most people I know would like to see the sites where it was filmed. Great picture!

  5. We enjoyed the photo !!!!
    It is a very beautiful place !!! Very homely !!!!
    Here at home, we enjoyed the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so that our brother called Bilbo !!!Hehehehe…..
    A meow of Frida and Sofia

  6. Looks like such a cool experience! I’d also love to visit. Beautiful picture… seems that the houses aren’t the only thing to enjoy when you visit. What amazing scenery!

  7. I loved it too – but had to sign a paper not to show pictures from it because of the new movie being released. I think that must be the reason to why I never posted much on Hobbiton. A magical place!

    1. oh, maybe you can do it now?
      Totally agree, it’s a magical place. Why we cannot live in such cute houses? 😉

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