Kyrenia has nice beaches,
not only for people, but also for turtles. 🙂
Category: Uncategorized
Northern Cyprus – Kirínia or Girne
Kyrenia name is adapted from Greek Kirínia,
but in Turkish the town is called Girne.
Northern Cyprus – Kyrenia
Kyrenia is a small, busy, tourist, harbour town.
Everyone should find there something nice;
if not, “just outside Kyrenia” there are a few more attractions. 🙂
Northern Cyprus – Language
Turkish is the main language in Northern Cyprus,
however, Cypriots version is different from the one that’s used in Turkey.
Don’t worry, many (not all!) people understand English.
Northern Cyprus – Kyrenia Mountain Range
The Saint Hilarion Castle is lovely located.
It lies on the beautiful Kyrenia mountain range,
that makes it very scenic.
Northern Cyprus – Queen’s window of St Hilarion Castle
And one more picture of the St Hilarion Castle,
with so-called the Queen’s window.
Northern Cyprus – Hiking St Hilarion Castle
Don’t forget to take good hiking shoes for visiting the St Hilarion Castle;
there is lots to see. 🙂
Northern Cyprus – History of Saint Hilarion Castle
To give you a brief history of the Saint Hilarion Castle, I’ll cite the Cyprus Paradise website:
The castle is named after St. Hilarion, a hermit monk who fled from persecution in the Holy Land and lived and died in a cave in the mountains. Later in the 10th century, the Byzantines built a church and monastery here. Along with Kantara and Buffavento castles, St. Hilarion was originally built as a watch tower to give warning of approaching pirates who launched a continuous series of raids on Cyprus and the coasts of Anatolia. Although the monastery and a church were built here originally, the first references to the castle are found in 1191 records.
Northern Cyprus – The Best of
For me, the Saint Hilarion Castle is the most interesting place in Northern Cyprus.
I’ll show you some more pictures in the following days,
and maybe you’ll agree with me. 🙂
Northern Cyprus – Religion
The Turkish Cypriots are mostly Sunni Muslims.
Northern Cyprus – Tourism
Tourism is very important in Northern Cyprus,
and many people live from tourism;
so that’s also a reason to not be afraid of visiting Northern Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus – Is it Safe?
The other question that may come immediately to mind:
is it safe in Northern Cyprus?
-It is safe.
It’s not like e.g., North and South Korea.
Anyway, I still recommend to check the current situation before visiting Northern Cyprus,
things may change, rules may change.
Northern Cyprus – Is it worth visiting?
Based on the political situation, someone may ask,
is it worth visiting Northern Cyprus?
-I think, it is! And, it’s also one of the reasons, I have a separate month on my blog about Northern Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus – Flag is Everywhere…
While visiting Northern Cyprus, you’ll see its flag in many places.
Moreover, you’ll see it also well from far while being in Cyprus.
Kind of “cold war” to “annoy your enemy”…
Northern Cyprus – Flag
The flag of the Northern Cyprus is basically the flag of Turkey with the colors reversed and two horizontal red stripes added at the top and bottom.
Northern Cyprus – How to Enter?
The rules how to enter Northern Cyprus may change,
so I won’t write how it is or how it was when I was there.
Just please check everything before your trip!
Northern Cyprus – Why This Place on My Blog?
If Northern Cyprus is not a “real country”, why do I have a month about it on my blog?
Well, I visited the whole island of Cyprus, and both, southern and northern parts are very interesting for tourists. I also felt it would be a bit unfair to describe northern part while talking about the Republic of Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus – Country?
To continue my post from yesterday,
I’d say that status of Northern Cyprus is more complicated
and also affects tourists who want to visit this part of the island.
Northern Cyprus – Separate Country?
Is Northern Cyprus a country?
I wrote it already, officially Northern Cyprus is a part of Cyprus occupied by Turks.
And Turkey is the only country which recognises Northern Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus – Introduction
Hello June! 🙂
This month, I’ll show you Cyprus on my blog,
but only its northern part.
I showed you already the Republic of Cyprus in August 2018.
And this time, I’ll focus on occupied by Turks part of the Cyprus,
so-called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus or just Northern Cyprus.