Today, I’m showing you the last picture from my trip to the United Arab Emirates.
How did you like this month?
Today, I’m showing you the last picture from my trip to the United Arab Emirates.
How did you like this month?
For some people it’s exciting, for other its’ boring; but Dubai is definitely a place for shopping and you’ll find there large shopping malls. You can even go skiing in a mall – isn’t it crazy!
Today you can see a characteristic building of the “7 star hotel” i.e., Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai.
I was in Dubai in June, i.e., in a very hot season.
So I was really happy to realise that air conditioners are almost everywhere; even bus stops have air con! 😉
Souk is a name of an Arab market.
While being in the UAE, don’t forget to visit one of the souk, e.g., the Gold Souk in Dubai.
Dubai is a city-state, one of the seven emirates.
Before visiting the UAE, I didn’t know that people drink camel’s milk…
Now, the Emirates in my “food-memory” is a country of camel’s milk and dates.
The UAE has a number of wild animals, however the easiest to be seen are camel, oryx and gazelle.
What kind of animals have you met in the UAE?
The United Arab Emirates have one of the biggest in the world reserves of oil and natural gas.
Desert is a large part of the United Arab Emirates; it’s about 80% of the area.
Abu Dhabi exists since 1761, but the real development started about 200 years later, and many modern buildings/places are actually “a few years old”.
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is large, but it’s not the largest mosque in the world.
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is very unique (like everything in the Emirates?) and it’s worth visiting, at least to see all impressive/crazy decorations.
I’m almost sure, there is no tourist who went to Abu Dhabi without visiting the Sheikh Zayed Mosque.
What about you?
Abu Dhabi has a number of tourist attractions, but the most known is the Sheikh Zayed Mosque.
Abu Dhabi is the largest state, i.e., emirate, of the UAE.
Abu Dhabi city is the capital of this emirate and of the country.
Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates.
Yes, it’s Abu Dhabi, not Dubai. 😉
Islam is the official religion of the UAE, however, there are many foreigners living in Emirates, thus the percentage of non-Muslims is relatively high.
Do you agree with me to call the Emirates as a country of crazy ideas?
They have been able to make many of their wishes come true.
Personally, I’m not impressed by artificial islands or modern architecture, but, I would be really impressed if they make some ecological projects.
After visiting the UAE, you get an impression it’s a country that likes to win and lead.
You’ll find there many “things” that can be describe as “the biggest”, “the tallest”, “the most fancy” etc.
Dear Emirates, you have some power!
Please show the world how to become the most ecological country!
Give an example to everyone, show it’s possible!