Laos – Not Only Drugs in Golden Triangle


The Asian Golden Triangle, i.e., area in Laos, Myanmar and Thailand is mostly known from drugs.
But there is rather a different reason why I don’t recommend people to visit it.
Look at this sad picture; in Laos Golden Triangle you can easily buy alcohol bottles with animals inside! There are e.g., snakes, scorpions or other also protected animals!

I’m showing you this picture to be aware of this;
because it’s a very negative thing!
I’ll continue the topic tomorrow.

Laos – Climate


Laos climate can be described as hot and humid.
There is a rainy season, from May until November;
and a dry season, from December till April.
(sometimes, you may find slightly different boarders)

I visited Laos at the end of December, and it was quite pleasant.

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