In Lima, like in other South American cities (or rather capitals) you’ll find many (Spanish) colonial buildings, Catholic churches and slums.
Welcome in September!
This month is going to be all about Peru on my blog.
The official travel and tourism portal of Peru (www.peru.travel) says:
“Peru, the richest country in the world”.
So in September, I’ll show you a little bit of the beautiful country that has everything. 🙂
Paphos Archaeological Park is a large area that includes different ancient sites, ruins and mosaics; e.g., Houses of Dionysus, Theseus, Orpheus, the Four Seasons; the Asklepieion, the Papos Castle ruins, as well the Tombs of the Kings.
Probably, it’s a must-see for everyone visiting Cyprus.
Cyprus is a home of a delicious cheese called Halloumi.
Try it while being in Cyprus!
In general, the Cypriot cuisine offers many tasty dishes.
On today’s picture, you can see a unique road we found while driving through the mountains in Cyprus – with a tree in the middle of the road! 😀
Well, Cyprus is a very interesting and nice island, so you don’t really need a reason. 😉
But two main things that probably drive people to go to Cyprus are coast and history.
You can enjoy the weather, relax by the sea and explore the ancient sites (well, dating from the New Stone Age through to the Roman Empire).
Learn more from visitcyprus.com.
As they write: “Cyprus is an open-air museum of prehistoric settlements, classical Greek temples, Roman theaters and villas, Early Christian basilicas, Byzantine churches and monasteries, Crusader castles, Gothic cathedrals, Venetian fortifications, Moslem mosques, and British colonial-style buildings.” 🙂